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AD9361 DAC Multi Tone Wave Generation With Default IP

Category: Software
Product Number: AD9361
Software Version: FSCOMMS2

Hello everyone,

I'm working on a design with AD9361 and Zedboard. I was able to run the SAMPLE project designed in Ad9361 in the name_HDL. I work for no-os. I have a few questions about AD9361 IP;
1- What I want to do in my design is actually to print the signs of different frequencies I produce in numerical design. All I need is the 16bit input pin that I will enter the I and Q channels on IP. But it seems to have your own DDS on the IP. Although I do DDS_DISABLE 1, I see that sign on what I just entered into the tx_lo_en value at the txout. What do you think I should do?
2- I want to be able to take the signs produced in different tones and process those signs in different tones using the AD9361's download. But now I can't see ADC Raw Data with ILA. How can I correct this situation?

As you can see for the DAC, I produce signs at 2 different frequency and enter the dac_datai and q pins of the AD9361 IP. I want to do the signs of 3 and 5mhz with tx_lo and see it in TXout.
For example tx_lo = 2400MHz
Two tone = 3mhz and 5 MHz
tx_out = 2403MHz and 2405mhz or 2397mhz and 2395mhz
