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ZCU102 & AD9174 boot couldn't reach opt_post_running_stage.

Product Number: ZCU102, AD9174-FMC-EBZ

Hi all,

I used following HW & SW setups and found that FSM state reached link_running and Linux boot sequence completed apparently successfully with neither moving on to opt_post_running_stage nor rolling back to previous state. Is this correct procedure? In my understanding, TXEN, etc. are not set in the boot sequence without reaching opt_post_running_stage since ad9172_finalize_setup() is not called.


ZCU102 & AD9174-FMC-EBZ as HW.

"$HDL_DIR/projects\dac_fmc_ebz\zcu102/make" to create system_top.xsa (JESD mode 4 as default settings)

"./ ./system_top.xsa ./u-boot.elf download" to create BOOT.bin.

"./ ./linux-adi/ xilinx/zynqmp-zcu102-rev10-ad9172-fmc-ebz-mode4.dtb /opt/pkg/gcc-arm-8.3-2019.03-x86_64-aarch64-linux-gnu/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu-" to create Image and dtb.

Note: dtsi, dts, and $HDL_DIR/projects\dac_fmc_ebz\common\config.tcl are not changed from default.

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