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ZCU102 + ADRV9009 HDL implementation fail

Category: Choose a category
Product Number: ADRV9009 with ZCU102
Software Version: 2021_r1

I have downloaded the latest HDL for ZCU102 attached with ADRV9008-1W. HDL version is for ADRV9009. I have only modified the design to have hierarchy blocks in it. After arranging the individual IP blocks into hierarchy, the design is giving critical error saying 

ERROR: [Constraints 18-851] Could not find an automatically derived clock matching the supplied criteria for renaming.

I have modified the system_contr.xdc file to have proper hierarchy block name so that the respective pins can be taken correctly.

My report_clocks 

Critical Warning list

Thank you and regards

Added critical warning after the implementation
[edited by: FPGA@noob at 12:25 PM (GMT -4) on 30 Sep 2022]
  • Hi, 

    From what I can see here it seems you have a naming inconsistency. I tried to build the project on my side and it was successful.

    I think you missed something when you added the hierarchy blocks. Try building it the way it without the modifications and then apply your changes, so we know where the problem comes from.



  • Hi,
    Thanks for the reply. I have modified the design only after the make command(initial stage) have generated bit file. After that in vivado, I have changed. Could it be that the ooc parameter was on during make command but I want to generate the system design output as global and not ooc. If that is the reason, then how can I change the settings in the vivado itself or do I need to create clock in top level .xdc file?

    Thank you.

  • Hello  ,

    Do you have any updates on this topic?



  • Hello  

    Sorry for late reply. This was pushed under due to other ongoing projects.
    Thank you for your suggestions. According to our requirements, I have taken axi_dacfifo from library/xilinx folder and there I have modified the IP core in such a way that dacfifo_rd.v is applied. Here, the core will be initiated by one of my IP core which will again collect the data from dac_data port of the modified axi_dacfifio IP core. I am struggling with the control of the IP core and was hoping if you could help me with the signals which are coming from dacfifo_wr.v but are not used as I am only reading. With what value should I iniialize them? The increment of address is done by adding arincr value but let's assume that the arincr value is 80 (in decimal format) so how much data is delivered by in each incrememnt. is it axi_size multiplied by axi_length?



  • Hello  , 

    Can you please send me the changes you did on those modules? It will help me a lot!

    Best regards


  • Hi   

    Here is the modified code 

    `timescale 1ns/100ps
    module axi_dataextractor #(
      parameter   DAC_DATA_WIDTH = 64,
      parameter   AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 128,
      parameter   AXI_SIZE = 4,
      parameter   AXI_LENGTH = 4,
      parameter   AXI_ADDRESS = 32'h80000000,
      parameter   AXI_ADDRESS_LIMIT = 32'h9fffffff,
      parameter   AXI_LAST_ADDR = 32'h80012C50 
    ) (
    // dac interface
      input                   dac_clk,
      input                   dac_rst,
      input                   dac_valid,
      input                   axi_xfer_req_s,
      output  reg [(DAC_DATA_WIDTH-1):0]  dac_data,
      output  reg             dac_dunf,
      output  reg             dac_xfer_out,
      // axi interface
      input                   axi_clk,
      input                   axi_resetn,
      output                  axi_awvalid,
      output      [ 3:0]      axi_awid,
      output      [ 1:0]      axi_awburst,
      output                  axi_awlock,
      output      [ 3:0]      axi_awcache,
      output      [ 2:0]      axi_awprot,
      output      [ 3:0]      axi_awqos,
      output      [ 7:0]      axi_awlen,
      output      [ 2:0]      axi_awsize,
      output      [ 31:0]     axi_awaddr,
      input                   axi_awready,
      output                  axi_wvalid,
      output      [(AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1):0]  axi_wdata,
      output      [(AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1):0]  axi_wstrb,
      output                  axi_wlast,
      input                   axi_wready,
      input                   axi_bvalid,
      input       [ 3:0]      axi_bid,
      input       [ 1:0]      axi_bresp,
      output                  axi_bready,
      output                  axi_arvalid,
      output      [ 3:0]      axi_arid,
      output      [ 1:0]      axi_arburst,
      output                  axi_arlock,
      output      [ 3:0]      axi_arcache,
      output      [ 2:0]      axi_arprot,
      output      [ 3:0]      axi_arqos,
      output      [ 7:0]      axi_arlen,
      output      [ 2:0]      axi_arsize,
      output      [ 31:0]     axi_araddr,
      input                   axi_arready,
      input                   axi_rvalid,
      input       [ 3:0]      axi_rid,
      input       [ 1:0]      axi_rresp,
      input                   axi_rlast,
      input       [(AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1):0]  axi_rdata,
      output                  axi_rready,
      output                  axi_rerror,
      // Debug output
      output      [4:0]       fsm_dacfifio_deb,  
      output      [31:0]      last_raddr_deb,
      output      [31:0]      axi_araddr_deb,
      output      [8:0]       axi_arincr_deb,
      output                  axi_rready_deb,
      output                  axi_rrvalid_deb,
      output                  axi_rrlast_deb,
      output reg              axi_xfer_req_deb,
      output                  axi_fifo_rst_deb                           
      reg                                axi_xfer_req_m_s1;
      reg                                axi_xfer_req_m;
      (* dont_touch = "true" *) wire    [31:0]                      axi_last_addr_s ;
      (* dont_touch = "true" *) wire    [ 7:0]                      axi_last_beats_s;
      reg    [ 3:0]                       dma_last_beats_s  = 4'b0000;
      wire    [(DAC_DATA_WIDTH-1):0]      dac_data_fifo_s;
      wire    [(DAC_DATA_WIDTH-1):0]      dac_data_bypass_s;
      wire                                dac_xfer_fifo_out_s;
      wire                                dac_dunf_fifo_s;
      wire                                dac_dunf_bypass_s;
      localparam  AXI_BYTE_WIDTH = AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8;
      localparam  AXI_ARINCR = (AXI_LENGTH + 1) * AXI_BYTE_WIDTH;
      assign axi_last_addr_s = AXI_LAST_ADDR & (~AXI_ARINCR + 1);
      assign axi_last_beats_s = AXI_LENGTH;
      // setting deafult values for Write channel. In our case,
      // the write channel should be disabled.
      assign axi_awvalid = 1'b0;
      assign axi_awid    = 4'b0000;
      assign axi_awburst = 2'b01;             // INCR (Incrementing address burst)
      assign axi_awlock  = 1'b0;              // Normal access
      assign axi_awcache = 4'b0010;           // Cacheable, but not allocate
      assign axi_awprot  = 3'b000;            // Normal, secure, data access
      assign axi_awqos   = 4'b0000;           // Not used
      assign axi_awlen   = AXI_LENGTH;
      assign axi_awsize  = AXI_SIZE;
      assign axi_awaddr  = AXI_ADDRESS;
      assign axi_wvalid  = 1'b0;
      assign axi_wdata   = {128{1'b0}};
      assign axi_wstrb   = {AXI_BYTE_WIDTH{1'b1}};
      assign axi_wlast   = 1'b0;
      assign axi_bready  = 1'b0;
      axi_dataextractor_rd #(
        .AXI_SIZE (AXI_SIZE),
      ) i_rd (
        .axi_xfer_req (axi_xfer_req_m_s1),
        .axi_last_raddr (axi_last_addr_s),
        .axi_last_beats (axi_last_beats_s),
        .axi_clk (axi_clk),
        .axi_resetn (axi_resetn),
        .axi_arvalid (axi_arvalid),
        .axi_arid (axi_arid),
        .axi_arburst (axi_arburst),
        .axi_arlock (axi_arlock),
        .axi_arcache (axi_arcache),
        .axi_arprot (axi_arprot),
        .axi_arqos (axi_arqos),
        .axi_arlen (axi_arlen),
        .axi_arsize (axi_arsize),
        .axi_araddr (axi_araddr),
        .axi_arready (axi_arready),
        .axi_rvalid (axi_rvalid),
        .axi_rid (axi_rid),
        .axi_rresp (axi_rresp),
        .axi_rlast (axi_rlast),
        .axi_rdata (axi_rdata),
        .axi_rready (axi_rready),
        .axi_rerror (axi_rerror),
        .dma_last_beats (dma_last_beats_s),
        .dac_clk (dac_clk),
        .dac_rst (dac_rst),
        .dac_valid (dac_valid),
        .dac_data (dac_data_fifo_s),
        .dac_xfer_out (dac_xfer_fifo_out_s),
        .dac_dunf (dac_dunf_fifo_s),
       /* if (~FIFO_BYPASS) */
        always @(posedge dac_clk) begin
          if (dac_valid) begin
            dac_data <= dac_data_fifo_s;
          dac_xfer_out <= dac_xfer_fifo_out_s;
          dac_dunf     <= dac_dunf_fifo_s;
        always @(posedge axi_clk) begin
            axi_xfer_req_m    <= axi_xfer_req_s;
            axi_xfer_req_m_s1 <= axi_xfer_req_m;
            axi_xfer_req_deb  <= axi_xfer_req_m_s1;

    In this I have removed DMA and dacfifo_wr.v logic as I am only interested in reading from MM part and then sending the readed Data through a different lower clock. The axi_xfer_req_s signal comes from my custom IP core @122.88 MHz  and as a result CDC so that it can register to AXI clock which is connected to MIG UI clk port. Other than that dacfifo_rd.v is untouched and no modification is done there. I am having trouble with three signals namely : axi_last_addr_s, axi_last_beats_s and dma_last_beats_s. With which deafult value should I initialize them? In my custom IP core I control axi_xfer_req_s in such a way that when counter reaches a demanded IQ samples value then the signal is put to LOW for a single clock and then again to HIGH so that I can again read the same value from starting address of the RAM. Here is the snip from my BD (For simplicity the modified IP core is named as AXI_Dataextractor) 

    I hope this will help you in providing a feedback.

    Thank you for your time.


  • Hello  ,

    1. It seems like axi_last_addr_s is initialized in axi_dac_fifo_wr.v with AXI_ADDREES=32'h00000000 so I think in your case it should be the first address you are reading from memory and axi_last_beats is initialized with 8'b0 in the same place.                                                                                         
    2. dma_last_beats should be initialized with 4'b0 as it is in the axi_dac_fifo_wr.v.                         
    3. And about axi_arincr_deb, I think it should respect AXI_ARINCR formula:                              

    Let me know if you already tried those values and if you did, what was the behaviour?

    Best regards


  • Hello  

    I tried with the suggested settings and the in the ILA I can see that address was not incremented because the FSM in dacfifo_rd.v remains on XFER_PARTIAL_BURST which set the address again and again on the starting address. The FSM never goes in XFER_FULL_BURST state which is responsible for incrementing the address. 

    Moreover, when I configure the last address signal as DDR4 RAM last address value then my xfer signal, which remains HIGH so long the specified sample counter number is not reached, is not long enough to extract the required Data from MIG. This is strange because MIG is operating @300 MHz and my xfer signal is operating @122.88 MHz. 


  • Ok that is strange, it is hard for me to debug based just on those infos, can you send me a print screen with all the signals you see on ILA and also I'm interested on seeing following signals: 

    • axi_araddr
    • axi_last_raddr,
    • axi_rready,
    • axi_rvalid,
    • axi_rlast,
    • axi_read_state 

    Have you checked the value of AXI_ARINCR?

    And it is not very clear how do you generate the xfer signal.


  • Hello  

    Here is the snip from ILA

    AXi_ARINCR formula is untouched. So, for xfer signal following is done :-

    1. Through iio DMA is triggered which fills up the RAM through axi_adcfifo let's say with 4 radio frames.

    2. Then through PS, FSM in my custom IP core is triggered which reads saved radio frames through axi_dacfifo. So when FSM is in start phase then xfer signal is set to HIGH for the required radio frames/samples. 

    3. When counter in the FSM reaches to a required sample value then the xfer signal is set to low.

    This process can be repeated again and again according to the logic. As the samples is always to be read from starting address of the RAM, so xfer signal act as an ideal signal ,as it reset the FIFO_Reset signal in dacfifo_rd.v file. 


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