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ADRV9009-ZU11EG RF-SOM Thermal Enquiries


I have some enquiries about the ADRV9009-ZU11EG RF-SOM (now termed 'the product' for simplicity) as follow: 

1. Without using the fan that comes with the product, what is the base temperature that needs to be maintained on the shaded surface of the heat spreader? 

2. Understand also that the product uses a Xilinnx ZU11EG processor. What is the: 

     a. Absolute/ recommended maximum operating case temperature of the processor? 

     b. Absolute/ recommended maximum operating junction temperature of the processor? 

     c. Junction-to-board thermal resistance (Theta_JB) of the processor? 

     d. Junction-to-case (top) thermal resistance (Theta_JC (top)) of the processor? 

Thank you!