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failed to create project using HDL workflow for "Frequency Hopping Example Design"


I am using the ADRV9361-Z7035 with the FMC, Matlab R2018b, and Vivado 2018.2.

I am trying to use HDL workflow advisor to target "Frequency Hopping Example Design [Analog Devices Wiki]"

i can go through all steps successfully, but on step "4.1: Create Project" i am getting this error

" Failed Required file "E:\hdl\vendor\AnalogDevices\vivado\library" is not available.”

I tried to find a solution over ADI Engineer Zone but I couldn’t.  

   - Could anyone suggest how can I solve this issue?

   - Could i complete this example using Matlab R2018b, and Vivado 2018.2 since these are available for me now and i couldn't upgrade for newest versions ?

thanks a lot
