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Enable DDC in FMCDAQ2 + kc705


I am using KC705 & FMCDAQ2 combo. I would finally move to ZC706 + FMCDAQ2

I would like enable DDC in AD9680. My preferred configuration is given in ""Table 23. DDC Example Configurations"" Chip decimation ratio is 16 ie no of virtual converters 8.
I have referred to below link.

In case of HDL design, ""you could modify the design to M=8 ""

Does that mean I need to edit projects\daq2\common\daq2_bd.tcl? What are the other parameters to change?

ad_ip_instance util_cpack2 axi_ad9680_cpack { \


ad_ip_instance util_cpack2 axi_ad9680_cpack { \

our requirement is similar to ""Example 2: ADC with DDC Option (Two ADCs Plus Four DDCs)"" in AD9680 data sheet.

As i understand, we may have to reduce no of lanes to 2 from given default 4 lanes in example design to maintain minimum lane rate of >3.125Gbps.

Is there any guidelines to reduce the lane nos in HDL design? Do I need to just edit daq2_bd.tcl?

  • Hello,

    You just need to edit the daq2_bd.tcl file in the common directory. Since the architecture construction is parameterized you just need to modify the variables defined in the beginning of the file: set RX_NUM_OF_LANES 2 ; # L
                                                                                 set RX_NUM_OF_CONVERTERS 8 ; # M
                                                                                 set RX_SAMPLES_PER_FRAME 1 ; # S
                                                                                 set RX_SAMPLE_WIDTH 16 ; # N/NP

    Best Regards,

    Dan Hotoleanu

  • For hdl_2019_r2 with the above modification in daq2_bd.tcl synthesis failed with following error 

    ""ERROR: [Synth 8-2908] range width must be a positive integer [d:/adi/ddc_ver/projects/daq2/kc705/daq2_kc705.srcs/sources_1/bd/system/ipshared/6295/util_cpack2.v:280]
    ERROR: [Synth 8-6156] failed synthesizing module 'util_cpack2' [d:/adi/ddc_ver/projects/daq2/kc705/daq2_kc705.srcs/sources_1/bd/system/ipshared/6295/util_cpack2.v:38]
    ERROR: [Synth 8-6156] failed synthesizing module 'system_axi_ad9680_cpack_0' [d:/adi/ddc_ver/projects/daq2/kc705/daq2_kc705.srcs/sources_1/bd/system/ip/system_axi_ad9680_cpack_0/synth/system_axi_ad9680_cpack_0.v:57]
    ERROR: [Synth 8-6156] failed synthesizing module 'system' [D:/adi/ddc_ver/projects/daq2/kc705/daq2_kc705.srcs/sources_1/bd/system/synth/system.v:2942]
    ERROR: [Synth 8-6156] failed synthesizing module 'system_wrapper' [D:/adi/ddc_ver/projects/daq2/kc705/daq2_kc705.srcs/sources_1/imports/hdl/system_wrapper.v:12]
    ERROR: [Synth 8-6156] failed synthesizing module 'system_top' [d:/adi/ddc_ver/projects/daq2/kc705/system_top.v:38]


  • Hello Dan,

    I changed daq2_bd.tcl with following line




    This allowed Vivado to generate bit file. Still I am not sure about the implication of such a change. Here is the image of system block

  • Hello,

    For the required configuration, you'll have to set F=8 and datapath 8 bytes (  and you'll be in a mode similar with the one described here:

    You'll need a link clock (lane_rate/40) and a deviceclock (lane_rate/20). 

    DAQ2 has a single clock available as GTREFCLK from which the device_clock is derived, so you'll need to use that for all three clocks. Most likely you need to change the reference clock to 250MHz and use it as link clock and then divide it by 2 to use it as device clock. We need to test this configuration on our side and may take a few days.



  • I made the following changes to dac2_bd.tcl

    Changed line to 


    Added new line

    adi_axi_jesd204_rx_create axi_ad9680_jesd $RX_NUM_OF_LANES
    ad_ip_parameter axi_ad9680_jesd/rx CONFIG.DATA_PATH_WIDTH 8

    I was able to build the project. But when I check axi_ad9680_jesd(Attached image) I observed Data path Width as 4. I was expecting that this will change to 8 No sure whether this is correct.

    Attaching 4478.daq2_bd.rar

  • I made the following changes to dac2_bd.tcl

    Changed line to 


    Added new line

    adi_axi_jesd204_rx_create axi_ad9680_jesd $RX_NUM_OF_LANES
    ad_ip_parameter axi_ad9680_jesd/rx CONFIG.DATA_PATH_WIDTH 8

    I was able to build the project. But when I check axi_ad9680_jesd(Attached image) I observed Data path Width as 4. I was expecting that this will change to 8 No sure whether this is correct.

    Attaching 4478.daq2_bd.rar

    In Vivado log file I could see following details

    ### ad_ip_parameter axi_ad9680_jesd/rx CONFIG.DATA_PATH_WIDTH 8
    WARNING: [BD 41-721] Attempt to set value '8' on disabled parameter 'DATA_PATH_WIDTH' of cell '/axi_ad9680_jesd/rx' is ignored

  • I believe that hdl version (hdl_2019_r2) does not support changing following parameter

    ad_ip_parameter axi_ad9083_rx_jesd/rx CONFIG.TPL_DATA_PATH_WIDTH 8

    "hdl/library/jesd204/jesd204_rx/jesd204_rx.v" has only following paramters

    module jesd204_rx #(
    parameter NUM_LANES = 1,
    parameter NUM_LINKS = 1,
    parameter NUM_INPUT_PIPELINE = 1,
    parameter LINK_MODE = 1, // 2 - 64B/66B; 1 - 8B/10B
    /* Only 4 is supported at the moment for 8b/10b and 8 for 64b */
    parameter DATA_PATH_WIDTH = LINK_MODE == 2 ? 8 : 4,
    parameter ENABLE_FRAME_ALIGN_CHECK = 1,
    ) (

    I would request you to suggest the branch i need to checkout inorder for changes suggested to take effect.

    Is it possible for me to update jesd204_rx of (hdl_2019_r2) with verion from master branch?

  • Can Expect an update for this request?? I am still stuck at this point.

  • Hello,

    I created two branches on git where I've modified the daq2 hdl and linux project. The modification is not tested on hardware. The hdl part is available here:  and the linux part is available here: . 

    Best Regards,


  • Hello Dan,

    I tried building hdl using Vivado 2020.1

    I encounter the following error while building project.


    Building axi_clkgen library [/cygdrive/d/adi/Analog_Support/hdl/library/axi_clkgen/axi_clkgen_ip.log] ... OK
    Building axi_hdmi_tx library [/cygdrive/d/adi/Analog_Support/hdl/library/axi_hdmi_tx/axi_hdmi_tx_ip.log] ... OK
    Building axi_spdif_tx library [/cygdrive/d/adi/Analog_Support/hdl/library/axi_spdif_tx/axi_spdif_tx_ip.log] ... OK
    Building axi_adcfifo library [/cygdrive/d/adi/Analog_Support/hdl/library/xilinx/axi_adcfifo/axi_adcfifo_ip.log] ... OK
    Building daq2_zc706 project [/cygdrive/d/adi/Analog_Support/hdl/projects/daq2/zc706/daq2_zc706_vivado.log] ... FAILED
    For details see /cygdrive/d/adi/Analog_Support/hdl/projects/daq2/zc706/daq2_zc706_vivado.log

    make: *** [../../scripts/ daq2_zc706.sdk/system_top.hdf] Error 1


    Attaching log file

  • Hello,

    Can you please make a fresh clone of the hdl repository on my fork and switch to daq2_without_ad9144_proj branch and then build the daq2/zc706 project?

    Thank you.

    Best Regards,


Reply Children
  • Hi,

    As of now I do not have zc706 hardware with me. So i tried building for kc705 + fmcdaq2.
    I could build project and boot it on kc705.

    I could observe AD9680 on IIO scope but could not find any waveforms in capture

    In dts file I could not find include for XCVR_REFCLK_DIV1 so edit was follows
    axi_ad9680_adxcvr: axi-ad9680-adxcvr@44a50000 {
    compatible = "adi,axi-adxcvr-1.0";
    reg = <0x44a50000 0x10000>;

    clocks = <&clk0_ad9523 4>;
    clock-names = "conv";

    adi,sys-clk-select = <XCVR_CPLL>;

    adi,out-clk-select = <XCVR_REFCLK>;
    adi,vco-max-khz = <5000000>;

    I am also attaching boot-up print Linux print

    "jesd204: found 0 devices and 0 topologies" which I have not seen in working versions


    xdc file
    top file
    Linux boot-up print
