I followed the steps in "AD9081/AD9082 Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC ZCU102 Quick Start Guide": https://wiki.analog.com/resources/eval/user-guides/ad9081_fmca_ebz/quickstart/zynqmp to boot the ZCU102 board on Linux and use the AD9082 Evaluation Board.
The ZCU102 boots successfully. All other LEDs are on and green on the AD9082 Eval Board, but the HMC_STATUS LED is on and red:
iio_info | grep iio:deviceshows only:
And the IIO Oscilopce software on the ZCU102 cannot detect the AD9082 Eval board.
I followed the Start Guide steps using the pre-built SD card that came within the AD9082 package. I also did them again using a brand new SD card building the latest lease (2019_R2), but the HMC_STATUS led is always red. The start guide mentions some VXCO variations (100mhz and 122.88mhz) for the device tree file. I tried them both, but it didn't show any difference. I need some help to troubleshoot this problem.
Also, I am a bit confused about the board-specific files. The start guide says copying 3 files from
zynqmp-zcu102-rev10-ad9081-m8-l4directory to the BOOT partition of the SD card. Is AD9082 using the same files as the AD9081?