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FMCDAQ2 - Maximum sampling rates

Hi All,

Currently, I am considering to buy FMCDAQ2 for prototyping of UWB system. Based on data sheet's of the board I saw that it is composed of:

1. AD9680 - Dual Channel ADC

    - Based on datasheet I see that maximum sampling rate is 1.25Gsps.

2. AD9144 - Quad Channel DAC

    - Based on datasheet I see that maximum sampling rate is 2.8Gsps.

!!! However, somewhere on the forum, I found that maximum clock rate coming from clock rate generator AD523-1 is 1GHz.

1. Does this mean that maximum sampling rates of ADC and DAC on  FMCDAQ2 are 1Gsps?


Could you also advise me does analog devices has some wideband (up to 1GHz bandwidth, ideally 1GHz)  IQ modulators and IQ demodulator, with a frequency range up to 6Ghz?

Kind Regards,


  • The DAC and ADC products function up to their max sampling rates - however in this reference design they are set for 1GSPS. Someone from the team who designed this should be able to help answer the question, but perhaps this thread might also be useful to you:

    Also regarding the modulators - I would post a separate question in the RF and Microwave community ( The ADRF6720 I believe has a 1GHz bandwidth but only goes up to 3GHz output. The RF and microwave team would be better suited to help answer your question regarding their latest products available that would support your requirements.

  • Both the ADC and DAC have their own PLLs. This means that you can set the sampling rate higher than 1GSPS. One thing to note for this reference design is that the PLL on the AD9144 is being bypassed. You will need to enable the PLL as shown in the datasheet and adjust the RefDivMode such that the input to the PLL is between 30MHz and 80MHz.

  • In terms of modulator, ADL5375-05/ADL5375-15 can be considered for the operation up to 6GHz with wide BB BW(please refer to Figure 63 and Figure 64 on datasheet). Also refer to the DAC MODULATOR INTERFACING section to interface DAC to Modulator.
