Hi All,
Currently, I am considering to buy FMCDAQ2 for prototyping of UWB system. Based on data sheet's of the board I saw that it is composed of:
1. AD9680 - Dual Channel ADC
- Based on datasheet I see that maximum sampling rate is 1.25Gsps.
2. AD9144 - Quad Channel DAC
- Based on datasheet I see that maximum sampling rate is 2.8Gsps.
!!! However, somewhere on the forum, I found that maximum clock rate coming from clock rate generator AD523-1 is 1GHz.
1. Does this mean that maximum sampling rates of ADC and DAC on FMCDAQ2 are 1Gsps?
Could you also advise me does analog devices has some wideband (up to 1GHz bandwidth, ideally 1GHz) IQ modulators and IQ demodulator, with a frequency range up to 6Ghz?
Kind Regards,