Proposed, New Analog Devices Data Sheets

Proposed, New Analog Devices Data Sheets

Shortly after Analog Devices acquired Maxim Integrated, documentation teams from both companies worked together to integrate technical documents into unified templates. Consistency in documentation leads to a better customer experience and enables automation which increases document throughput.

We've made some layout changes, enhanced the size of tables and images, and added standard 11 point Arial Narrow font. We believe that these changes enhance the usability and readability of our documents.

As a user/viewer of our data sheets, we want to hear from you. Click this link to see a draft data sheet. If you like what you see, then click the Like button in the upper right hand corner. Return here to give your star rating below!

Thank you for taking part in this short, but important survey.

  • Need better package outlines/dimensions.

    Should have live links to design files like IBIS etc

    Since many viewers use these online or as a stored file, please feel free to add colors to timing/circuit diagrams to highlight important specs or clarify things. Data sheets don't need to be in black and white (and blue) anymore.

    Please add thermal design info where applicable.

    Please add live links to any Figure, Table or external spec called out in a data sheet.(like ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001 called out on pg 13 in the sample)

  • Need better package outlines/dimensions.

    Should have live links to design files like IBIS etc

    Since many viewers use these online or as a stored file, please feel free to add colors to timing/circuit diagrams to highlight important specs or clarify things. Data sheets don't need to be in black and white (and blue) anymore.

    Please add thermal design info where applicable.

    Please add live links to any Figure, Table or external spec called out in a data sheet.(like ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001 called out on pg 13 in the sample)

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