Arduino Days

Meet ADI and Arduino Alvik at Arduino Days

Every time Arduino turns a year older, the celebrations get bigger! We at ADI are joining Arduino and the global open-source community at Arduino Days to celebrate amazing creations, to learn from each other, and to connect. The 2024 edition promises to be full of inspiration and ideas, with announcements and project presentations from Arduino key people, users, and partners. In fact, there will be so much going on that the schedule had to be spread out over 3 days!

Keep reading to find out how you can join the festivities at this free, worldwide event.

Explore the Possibilites

Before I get too excited, let me take a step back - maybe you’ve heard of Arduino but haven’t explored what it is or how it might apply to you. Arduino is an open-source powerhouse with over 33 million active users in its community. It offers hardware products, software solutions and cloud services. The brand’s end-to-end ecosystem keeps growing and expanding, yet maintains one clear mission: to make complex technology accessible to all, so that anyone can learn, innovate, solve problems, or just have fun!

I was first exposed to Arduino a few years ago when my daughter and I assembled a 3-Mode Bluetooth Robot car. It was a lot of fun and a great learning experience for both of us. We built, we connected with bluetooth, we controlled the speed – and we might have chased the cat around the house. If you are a newbie, a developer, a maker, an engineer, a designer, a teacher or just curious about what the opportunities are, Arduino Days is for you. Watch demonstrations, learn from experts, and ask questions. Explore all the possibilities!

ADI at Arduino Days  

Representing Analog Devices at this year’s event, I’d like to introduce you to Alessandro Leonardi (ADI Account Manager). Leonardi will be presenting at Arduino Days this year to talk about ADI’s motion control technology and the Arduino Alvik. Tune in to learn about the awesome robot that can be used for educational and maker purposes. It started with a simple design that focused on the possibilities of driving DC motors in a closed loop with torque feedback which lead to selecting the MAX22211. Check out the Arduino Alvik and hear more about ADI's Trinamic motor and motion control products that transform digital information into precise physical motion that enable Industry 4.0 performance across various applications here.  

Live on YouTube

The best part of Arduino Days is you can join online (it’s free) from wherever you are in the world. Find talks and activities you are interested in learning about in the event program and join virtually. You can start from the dedicated Arduino Days website or bookmark the three YouTube lives for Day #1, Day #2, and Day #3 as each day the event starts at 10:30am ET. 

Find a Local Community Near You

You can also find a local community event near you that is hosting their own celebration. What a great opportunity to meet with others and connect. To date there are over 160 community events scheduled. Find one near you. Hope to see you there - don't forget to take a selfie and tag your picture or post with @ADI_News and #ArduinoDays2024.