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Working with Isocoupler on ADE-7880 EVK With Another Microcontroller

Category: Hardware
Product Number: ADE-7880 EVK

Hello!  I am having a problem using another microcontroller to control the ADE-7880 via SPI using the ADE-7880 EVK through the isocoupler.  I have an isolated power supply (using a 3-prong to 2-prong AC adapter plug) providing 3.3V on connector P9, the USB plug is connected to a laptop to provide power to the NXP LPC2368 domain, and I have JP21 firmly seated across 1 and 2.  I have pressed the reset button S2.

As you can see from the following oscilloscope capture (the oscilloscope is also isolated using another 3-prong to 2-prong AC adapter plug), I am providing SS and SCLK signal to P17-3 (SCK, channel 2 in light blue) and P17-5 (SS, channel 3 in magenta purple):

However, when I measure at the test points “SCLK_ISO” and “SSD_ISO”, it appears the signals are still getting mashed by the NXP LPC 2368:

Also, if I switch the oscilloscope ground (it is currently connected to P17-2) to a ground on the domain of the ADE-7880 and measure at the test points “SCLK/SCL” and “SS/HSA”, it is just a solid high (3.3V) signal.

In the user guide (UG-356), on page 9, in the section titled “Using the Evaluation Board with Another Microcontroller”, it says “if P17 is used, a conflict may arise with the NXP LPC2368 I/O ports.  To avoid this conflict, close the JP21 jumper.  This tells the NXP LPC2368 to set all of it’s I/O ports high to allow the other microcontroller to communicate with the ADE-7880.”  But shouldn’t closing JP21 tell the NXP LPC2368 to set all of it’s I/O ports open/floating?  How else can an external microcontroller drive the SPI signals?  Should I try something like put a 1K in series with the SPI control lines or will this cause damage?

  • I did this today on the ADE7816 board using an external MCU and forgot to jumper pins 14 and 15 of P13. This holds the micro in reset. The j21 has not worked for me. notes in the photo show which position to solder the jumpers. This is for spi mode. remove jp21. 


  • Dave,

    Thank you for your thoughtful and detailed answer.

    We would prefer not to modify the EVK so that we can still use it in evaluation mode with the PC and evaluation software.

    We will postpone this effort to connect to another microcontroller for now.



  • This will work with the evk software. Just remove the jumper on p13 in the photo. The extra solder is just to connect p17 to the signals.  For spi it is fine for I2c you will need a different configuration. 


  • Thanks Dave, I see you are right now, and thank you for this help.  I got it to work; for those interested in this same question, I detail here a simpler way to accomplish this task without soldering anything to the EVK.

    I see that the purpose of shorting JP71 bottom two (what is shown in your diagram as the red box that is labelled “short bottom 2”) is to connect MISO_ISO to P17-7.

    I see that the purpose of shorting JP72, JP73, and JP74 top two (what is shown in your diagram as the red box that is labelled “short top 2”) is to connect MOSI_ISO, SSB_ISO, and SCLK_ISO to P17-1, P17-3, and P17-5.

    But an alternate way to do these connections is to simply jumper from the other microcontroller to the ring test points that are labelled “SSB_ISO”, “MOSI_ISO”, “MISO_ISO”, and “SCLK_ISO” rather than jumpering from the other controller to P17-1, P17-3, P17-5, and P17-7.

    So, I chose to do it that way (jumpering to the ring test points, rather than jumpering to P17-1, P17-3, P17-5, and P17-7) than to solder according to the instructions of “short bottom 2” and “short top 2”.

    I see that the purpose of shorting all 3 pins of JP75, JP76, and JP77 (what is shown in your diagram as the red box that is labelled “short all 3”) is for connecting P17-9, P17-11, and P17-13, which are “CF3_HSCLK_EXT”, “CF2_HREADY_EXT”, and “CF1_EXT”.  These connect (through isolation) to “CF1”, “CF2/HREADY”, and “CF3/HSCLK”.  These are outputs from the ADE-7880. 

    I am not so concerned about CF1, Cf2, and CF3 right now so I chose not to solder according to the instructions in “short all 3” either.

    The suggestion about jumpering P13-15 to P13-16 is a good one to keep the LPC2368 in reset.  I definitely will follow that for this exercise.

    I also leave JP21 un-jumpered.

    After I did that, and also made sure to take care of reset and power moding (those pins are supported on the P17 connector), I was able to communicate over SPI from another microcontroller through the isocoupler.