We have a ADE9153B design for monophase active smart meter. We found an issue related to active energy accumulation. We supplying and sourcing meter on 200VAC at 5 Amper load.
Energy accumulation time is 1 second and we read when EG_RDY event occurs. After that we are measuring wrong active energy value..Energy register shows me ~0.49 Wh instant compsumption in every read at condition 1 KWh consumption.
This value must be 0.27 Wh for 1 second.
Performed every calibration we can, Msure Autocalibration, Normal calibration etc... Active Power is ok, line frequency is ok, power factor is ok, Active Pulse led(from CF1) blinks in every 3.6 seconds ok, Live current RMS is ok, Notr(from CT) is ok, but Active Energy is not ok. We cannot find the reason.
I'm leaving here our configurations and register reading results as photo. Thank you very much.
Here is our calibration constants, and Target_xxCC values after msure autocalibration.
uint16_t msureConfRegTable16Bit[10] = { REG_CFMODE, //0x20 REG_CF1DEN, //0x1993U REG_CF2DEN, //0x1993u REG_COMPMODE, //0x0005u REG_AI_PGAGAIN, //0x15 REG_ACCMODE, //0x0000u REG_EP_CFG, //0x0009u REG_EGY_TIME, //0xF9F REG_PWR_TIME, //1191 REG_RUN //1 };
uint32_t msureConfRegTable32Bit[9] = { REG_CONFIG0, //0x0, REG_WTHR, //0x00100000u, REG_VARTHR, //0x00100000u, REG_VATHR, //0x00100000u, REG_VLEVEL, //0x001ADCAFu, REG_MASK, //0x0100u, REG_CT_CORNER, //0x0u, REG_CT_PHASE_DELAY, //0x0u, REG_VDIV_RSMALL //0x000003E9u };
Register results when we get 0.49 Wh
Measurement results;
This issue has been fixed via ADI support. We get 0.2777 wh for 1 second on active energy register now. Thank you ADI team!
[edited by: muratdemirtas at 3:29 PM (GMT -5) on 29 Nov 2023]