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ADE9430 ADSW-PQ-CLS Power Quality Library Parameters are not displayed.

Category: Software
Product Number: ADSW-PQ-CLS Power Quality Library
Software Version: Release 1.2.0


I have ADSW-PQ-CLS Power Quality Library integrated with STM32H723ZG in IAR embedded workbench. The project is compiled and running successfully but I have some queries as follows.

1) I am using CLI with following commands.

  • setdisplay all off
  • setconfig nominalFrequency 50
  • setdisplay iharm on
  • setdisplay 1012cycles on
  • setconfig channels VA
  • start 1000


Here it can be seen there are zero's interharmonics at CLI output and I have generated interharmonics for U1 line using CALMET C300B calibrator and Tester and the interharmonics are verified on oscilloscope. 

did I miss something?

2) does the 10/12 cycle count maintain or handled inside APIs? I need a proper Application note to use APIs in a programming model and a flow chart.

With Regards,

Nitin Rawal 

  • Hi Nitin Rawal,

    1. As per the separate communication, the configuration(Voltage and Getconfig Outputs.txt) looks fine.
    Can you also make sure that the harmonics are not suppressed out by the filter section.(Check the signal input here)

    We have tested it with the ADE9430 System Evaluation board and it is working as expected. Can you also try with this?

    2. Details on API usage is available under documentaiton\ADSW-PQ-CLS.1.2.0_UsersGuide.pdf under "Power Quality Library Software Description" section.

  • Hi Nitin Rawal,

    1. As per the separate communication, the configuration(Voltage and Getconfig Outputs.txt) looks fine.
    Can you also make sure that the harmonics are not suppressed out by the filter section.(Check the signal input here)

    We have tested it with the ADE9430 System Evaluation board and it is working as expected. Can you also try with this?

    2. Details on API usage is available under documentaiton\ADSW-PQ-CLS.1.2.0_UsersGuide.pdf under "Power Quality Library Software Description" section.
