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ADE9153A calibration issue

Category: Hardware
Product Number: ADE9153A


I designing smart meter based on ADE9153A. i got problem with calibration. i got wrong current value, so adjusting like 

    int32_t Igain = ((acalVals.AICC*26.15 / (CAL_IRMS_CC * 1000)) - 1) * 134217728;
    int32_t Vgain = ((acalVals.AVCC*1.0047 / (CAL_VRMS_CC * 1000)) - 1) * 134217728;
getiing correct reading. What is the reason maight be?

 Please, advice! Thanks

adjusted gain.
[edited by: ulzii at 1:45 PM (GMT -4) on 2 Sep 2023]