I have some qusitoin about ADE9078 ,
I had desgin my pcb using ADE9078 and Its work well , I can read Voltage, current ,power, PF and other reading and it seem good
I want to know to Ask about :
1- I face a problem in reading energy value ,
the energy reading it stat work and accumulating but then it reset to zero when the accumalation reatch to 10.45 each time , I do know the reson
this is the rigister configuration I used
configured the xGAIN registers,
configured the ACCMODE register with 0x0000 (4-wire wye, 50Hz, Signed active and reactive power/energy accumulation mode),
configured the VLEVEL register with 0x00117514 as suggested in page 56 of User Manual,
configured the CONFIG0 register with 0x00000000 as we use a 1000:1 Current Transformer
Additionally, as we need to read the energy register with reset, we followed what is stated at page 43 of User Manual:
configured the EGY_TIME register with 0xF9F
1,configured the EP_CFG register with 0xE001(RD_RST_EN=0, EGY_LD_ACCUM=0, EGY_TMR_MODE=0, EGY_PWR_EN=1, NOLOAD_TMR=111,PWR_SIGN_SEL=0)
void ADE9000Class::ReadActiveEnergyValue(ActiveEnergyRegVlaue *Data) { int32_t temp_lowpacke; int32_t temp_highpacket; temp_lowpacke = int32_t (SPI_Read_32(ADDR_AWATTHR_LO))>>19; temp_highpacket = int32_t (SPI_Read_32(ADDR_AWATTHR_HI)) ; Data->totalActiveEnergy_A = (temp_highpacket << 13)|temp_lowpacke ; }
this is code and Library which I used currently
2-I have a problem in Frequency value it's 51.4Hz and actual value is 50Hz
it would be calibration issue or I need make some Calculatotion??
I have Some doubt becase I am use different Crystals value I use 12MHz , but the recomended 12.288MHz
may this changing make the freq. reading wrong ?
3- can I read the line to line Voltage in ADE9078 ?
an example can I read Vab =480V ?
If I use the same wire configuration wye ,
what shoud be wire congiguration to have both reading line ot line voltage(Vab) and line to nutral voltage (Va)
4- Can I Read the Harmonics value when using ADE9078 ?