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ADE7953 evaluation board how to start

Category: Software
Product Number: ADE7953


we've purchased ADE7953 evaluation board , and we are now attempting to create a POC based on this device for our firmware, we have the following questions:

  • is the firmware for the interface board freely available ? if so we would like to have a copy of it.
  • we would like to measure current/voltage/active-power for a load which is gonna be powered by 230 AC 50HZ Power source, for now we are just POCing, so we want to feel very comfortable doing all measurements using the evaluation board and the evaluation software before we write a driver for it in our internal FW stack via I2C,  we will be very happy if you could provide us the key notes how to connect the load with this power source ( our load eventually going to be a street-light ), and how to basically begin in a straight-forward way toward our target as we are reading the docs and datasheet and getting familiar with ADE7953.

Best regards,Yarin.