Do you know why I get this error when trying to load the ADSP-BF561 flash
driver (C:\Program Files\Analog Devices\VisualDSP_4_0_new\Blackfin\Flash
Programmer Drivers\ADSP-BF561 EZ-Kit Lite\BF561EzFlash.DXE)?
"Load driver error" "error executing driver, cannot continue"
In the output window of VisualDSP++ I see the following:
Loading driver: C:\Program Files\Analog
Devices\VisualDSP_4_0_new\Blackfin\Flash Programmer Drivers\ADSP-BF561
EZ-Kit Lite\BF561EzFlash.DXE
Done loading driver
Device 0:b: Error verifying opcode for breakpoint at address:
Device 0:b: Error verifying opcode for breakpoint at address:
The reason is that you are trying to load the flash driver into "Device 0:b",
that is core B. The flash programmer is core specific and must be loaded into
core A. So to fix it, simply click on "Device 0:a" in the "Multiprocessor
Window" (typically located at the right hand bottom corner of your screen - can
be invoked View->Multiprocessor Window).
You can now safely load the driver.