I cannot modify my Blackfin LDF within the Expert Linker, as it is marked as Read Only, and when I make modifications to the text version of the file, they keep being overwritten. Also, I am unable to create a new LDF via the Expert Linker. What's going on?
Please note that from the introduction of VisualDSP++ 4.5 the Expert Linker can no longer be used to generate an LDF for Blackfin targets, as the creation and maintenance of the LDF is handled through the System Builder. This means that LDFs can only be created via the Project Wizard during the creation of a project, or via the Project Options using the Add Startup Code/LDF option.
Also, as of the February 2007 Update for VisualDSP++ 4.5, the Expert Linker will not allow the modification of any System Builder generated LDF. When such files are opened by the Expert Linker, they are detected as having been created by the wizard, and are opened as read only.
Changes to such LDF files should instead be made in one of the following ways:
1) Modify the settings within the appropriate sections in 'Project Options'->'LDF Settings'. Any settings not available must be modified using method 2).
2) Modify the LDF file by opening it as a text file within the IDDE (or other editor) and changing ONLY text within the $VDSG tags. These modifiable sections are denoted by:
/*$VDSG<insert-user-ldf-commands> */
/* Text inserted between these $VDSG comments will be preserved */
/*$VDSG<insert-user-ldf-commands> */
Any changes to the file made outwith these sections will be lost when it is regenerated.
System Builder Generated LDFs can be identified by comment "/*MANAGED-BY-SYSTEM-BUILDER*/" at the top of the file.
This FAQ was generated from the following thread: Why is my Blackfin LDF marked as Read Only and why cant i make modifications to the text version of the file?