I uninstalled VisualDSP++ due to a problem, and now when I’m trying to reinstall my serial number I receive the message “The serial number has already been used and can be installed only once”. What should I do?
“TST” and “KIT” prefixed serial numbers may only be installed once per machine. If you have had to uninstall VisualDSP++ for any reason, note that uninstalling via Add/Remove programs in the Windows Control Panel leaves the <install_path>\System\license.dat file intact. Therefore, you can simply copy and paste this file into the <install_path>\System folder of your new instance of VisualDSP++. If you deleted all files in the install path after uninstalling, check your recycle bin for the license.dat file.
If you cannot find your original license.dat file, contact Private Support with a copy of the serial number that you are trying to reinstall.
Should you require to uninstall VisualDSP++ again, for what ever reason, we would recommend that you back up your license.dat file to prevent a similar problem.