Q: I’m unable to enter breakpoints in my code in VisualDSP++. Why is this?
A: Breakpoints can only be set in the source window if Debug Info is being generated for the project. If Debug Info is not being generated then Debug Information will not be available to the IDDE. In turn, this means the IDDE will not allow the placement of breakpoints in the Source Window.
Debug information is generated by selecting the 'Generating debug information' check box in the Compile > General section of the VisualDSP++ Project Options dialog box, or, if you are working with an assembly source file you will need to enable debug information by selecting 'Generate debug information' in the Assemble section of the Project Options. Please also make sure that you have NOT selected the ‘Strip Debug Symbols’ check box which is available in the Linker-> general Settings section.
If you are not generating debug information, you can only set breakpoints in the disassembly window.
You can find information on breakpoints in VisualDSP++ help using the following path -
<Help>\Contents\Graphical Environment\IDDE\Debugging\Program Execution Operations\Breakpoints