I have the analog devices ADZS-USB-ICE and trying to connect it to the ADSP BF504 on my DSP board. May be 1 out of 10 times I can establish a connection but most of the time I can't. Every time it failed to establish a connection I ran ICE test and all the tests passed (i.e.
Openning Emulator Interface -Pass
Resetting ICEPAC module -Pass
Testing ICEPAC memory -Pass
Determinging scan path length - (detects 1 device)
Performing scan test -Continous scan up to 10 Mbytes (Pass)
Even after ICE test passed, I still can not establish a sesstion in VDSP++. I have checked all the power supply/ground pins, input clock to DSP, reset pin of DSP, PG pin (pull low), and Wake_up pin (high) and they all checked out. Here are what I have checked:
ADSP BF504 (88pins):
VDDC (core voltate) = 1.2V
VDDIO (I/O voltage) = 2.5V
Reset Pin = Pull up high (10K to 2.5V)
PGn = Ground
clock in (pin 68): 12MHz
XTAL pin = no connection
Visual DSP/Emulator Setup:
Visual DSP++5.0 Update 10 (Product Version, IDDE version, Build Date: July 5, 2011)
Visual DSP++5.0 License: Blackfin Demo-Full (Expiring in 37 days)
Visual DSP++5.0 Configuration (Type: USB-ICE, Emulator Settings Device ID: 0, Emulator Settings JTAG I/O Voltage: 2.5, Device 0 Type: ADSP-BF504, initial connection option: Halt and reset.)
Deleted and installed the driver for the ADSP BF504 and still no help. Deleted and re-create session and still no help.
Like I said, ICE test always passed but then unable to establish a conection (most of the time) to target board in Visual DSP++5.0 (always getting error code 0x80044005)