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EZ-KIT Lite 21061 Compatibility with newer VisualDSP versions

Category: Software
Product Number: SHARC EZ-KIT Lite 21061

I purchased, second-hand, an old EZ-KIT Lite development board with and on-board SHARC 21061. The S/N is104699.

The board did not come with the JTAG debugging, only the RS-232 connection with a bootloader loaded into the board.

What are my options for working with this old board? Are the newer VDSP++ software packages able to read/write/debug on this board over RS-232?

Are there any GNU or linux tools that could be configured to work with this old board?

In addition, I am a part-time hobbyist. Are there open-source tools for using this board, do I have to pay $5k to use it or is it essentially e-waste at this point?

Thank you,


  • Hi,

    We have tracked your thread and will get back to you as soon as possible.


  • Hi,
    You can access the ADSP-21061 SHARC processor using a PC through a serial port or an optional JTAG In-Circuit Emulator (ICE).

    Unfortunately, the 21061 EZ-KIT Lite session(via RS-232) is not actually supported by VisualDSP++ 3.5 or later. If you wish to use this EZ-KIT, you have two options.

    Your first option is to use VisualDSP++ 3.0, as this was the latest version to support the 21061 EZ-KIT Lite session. Note that this may require the use of an operating system other than Windows XP.

    Your second option is to purchase an emulator and connect to the EZ-KIT using this hardware with the latest version of VisualDSP++ 5.1.2.

    You can use ICE-1000/ICE-2000 emulators to communicate with the ADSP-21061 board.The ICE-1000/2000 should be fully compatible with all SHARC and Blackfin parts.The Analog Devices ICE-1000 and ICE-2000 emulators facilitate the creation, test, and debug of advanced applications on Analog Devices Processors and DSPs. Working in tandem with the CrossCore® Embedded Studio development environment, these emulators provide state-of-the-art support for all JTAG-compliant Analog Devices processors.

    Please find the emulator product page and user's guide from the below links:

    Product page of the ICE-100/ICE-2000 emulators:

    ICE-1000/ICE-2000 Emulator User’s Guide:

    To purchase a ICE-1000/ICE-2000 , please contact your local ADI sales office or distributor.To locate the one,

    We recommend you refer chapter "2 Setting Up" for more information in the attached "ADSP-2106xSHARCEZ-KITLite-ReferenceManual.pdf" manual.

    Also, please refer through this manual.

    We have a Test Drive license which is available to download free of charge from our website. This license entitles you to 90 days of Simulator and Emulator sessions before the license expires.

    You can register for a Test Drive license on our website here:

    Once this 90 day expires, you need to buy full license for VDSP. You can buy the full license from the below link:

    For more details on purchasing and pricing, please contact your local ADI sales office or distributor. You can get the sales office and distributors details by selecting your continent and then select country from the below link.



  • Thank you for the detailed, helpful response. Is VDSP 3.0 available for a Test Drive?

  • Hi,

    Yes, you can get the test drive license for VDSP++ 3.0 also.
