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EZ ICE DSP is not responding to emulator interrupt


I am trying connect with ADSP2189 board. Previous i have connected the board and load the code for testing. But now i am facing the issue that dsp is not responding to the emulator interrupt. If anyone know this issue can u plz help me to resolve this issue.Thanks in advance for the people helping me.

small correction with the sentense
[edited by: kiran0506 at 9:30 AM (GMT -5) on 25 Jan 2022]
  • Hi Kiran,

    The error indicates that there is a problem between the host PC and the ICE. We suggest you to try to change the baud rate lower than what it is at now and if that has no success try higher.
    Before checking anything else, can you follow this procedure to delete any current EZ-KIT configuration, and try reconnecting to the target:

    **Note: This procedure involves editing the registry. We recommend making a backup of the registry before proceeding**

    1) Close out of the debugger and Hyper Terminal.
    2) Go to START > Run and type "regedit" > open.
    3) Go to 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER' > 'Software' > 'Analog Devices' > 'VisualDSP++ 3.5 for 16-Bit Processors' > 'Targets' and delete the '218x ICE' folder in the Targets subkey.
    Please also in the Registry Editor select the following KEY:
    1) Go to 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER' > 'Software' > 'Analog Devices' > 'VisualDSP++ 3.5 for 16-Bit Processors' > 'IDDE' and delete any ADSP-218X EZ-ICE 218X folders in the Debug Session List subkey.
    2) Exit REGEDIT.
    3) Start VisualDSP whilst holding down the Ctrl key. This will take you to the Session List screen, recreate the proper ICE session that represents your target. Make sure you delete any old 218x EZ-ICE Sessions before creating a new session to initialize the auto search.

    We suggest you to try changing the baud rate lower than what it is now and if it was not successful then try higher.

    If you still have no success after trying the above then have a look at the attached file. In here you will find details of our HyperTerminal test. Part of this test involves overwriting the flash memory on the 218x EZ-ICE which we would like you to try, as indicated, and once complete close the HyperTerminal session and try connecting to VisualDSP++ and let us know if you still encounter the same error message? Also please let us know which operating system that you are using?

    Please try closing VisualDSP++ then connection to a session at start up. This can be done by selection Start->All Programs->Analog Devices->VisualDSP++ 3.5 for 16-Bit processors->VisualDSP++ Environment and holding down the Ctrl key. This will bring up the Session List. If your session is listed, highlight it and select Activate. If not, create a new session and then select Activate. Are you able to connect to a session? Let us know if you still encounter the same errors.

    Also, we just need few more pieces of information to work out exactly what is happening.Could you please answer the following? This will help us to assist you further.

    1. Please share us the screenshot of the error message you are facing.
    2. Are you facing this issue while debugging your code or while flashing?
    3. Did you have access to another PC? If so, please try on that machine and let us know the result.
    4. Try to uninstall and reinstall the VisualDSP++ and let us know if you are still facing the same issue.
    5. Are you using VisualDSP++ in virtual machine or default operating system?
    6. Do you have access to another 218x EZ-ICE? If you do please try connecting this to your machine and let us know if this emulator is able to successfully connect to a session.

    Best Regards,

    Hyper Terminal communications test for 218x EZ-ICE:
    NOTE: Connection to a DSP Target is not required for this test.
    1. Open Hyper Terminal (Start, Programs, Accessories,
    Communications(W9x only), Hyper Terminal, hypertrm.exe or Hyper Terminal.
    2. Enter New Connection name in the Connection Description dialog box. Click OK.
    3. Select COM port in the Connect using: field of the Connect To dialog box.
    4. In the COMn Properties screen, Port Settings:
    Bits per second: 9600
    Data bits: 8
    Parity: None
    Stop bits: 1
    Flow control: hardware
    Click OK
    5. Click on Receive Button in the main Hyper Terminal window.
    Browse for destination folder to "Place received file..."
    Select 1K Xmodem in "Use receiving protocol:" field
    Click Receive.
    Enter name of file in Receive Filename dialog box, e.g., 218xtest, Click OK.
    6. Click Cancel in the 1K Xmodem File Receive for... box.
    7. Power up ICE, something similar to below should appear in the Hyper Terminal main window.
    Boot code v1.0a May  7, 1997
    Flash code v1.0N July 14, 2000
    <Enter> for menu (1 sec)
    jumping to FLASH ROM
    8. You get the above splash screen when you press reset and HyperTerminal is connected, to run additional tests see 
    procedure below. For the additional tests the EZ-ICE must be connected to a target.
    NOTE: The contents of FLASH Memory may be changed when
    proceeding with additional tests.  See the "BE AWARE..." note below for more information.
    10	/////////////////////////////////////////////////
    20	Boot code v1.0a May  7, 1997
    30	Flash code v1.0N July 14, 2000
    50	<Enter> for menu (1 sec)
    60	$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
    90	jumping to FLASH ROM
    100	/////////////////////////////////////////////////
    Look at line 50 ,  immediately after you press the reset on the EZ-ICE, press 'enter' on your keyboard while the $ line is writing.  This will let you go into another menu that looks like this:
    10	Boot code v1.0a May  7, 1997
    30	 j - jump to emulator in Flash memory
    40	 c - Compute CRC of Boot code and Flash code
    50	 i - DSP interface test
    60	 t - SRAM test
    70	 f - Flash memory test
    80	 update - update FLASH ROM
    90	 erase - erase all FLASH ROM
    100	 ? - menu
    110	$
    When this menu appears, you can run the tests in the menu items by pressing that letter then 'enter'.  For example I could run the I test, and my screen might look like:
    110 $i
    120	Testing DSP emulation port
    130	Expect 0x0F5A got 0x0000 - ERROR
    140	Expect 0xA5F0 got 0x0000 - ERROR
    160	Boot code v1.0a May  7, 1997
    180	 j - jump to emulator in Flash memory
    190	 c - Compute CRC of Boot code and Flash code
    200	 i - DSP interface test
    210	 t - SRAM test
    220	 f - Flash memory test
    230	 update - update FLASH ROM
    240	 erase - erase all FLASH ROM
    250	 ? - menu
    260	$
    Notice line 110, I pressed 'i' then enter, and ran the interface test.  Lines 130 & 140 show that an error occurred.  This test writes to a register inside the DSP and then reads it back.  If the target board is not connected, or is malfunctioning, this test will fail just like above.  It is designed to test the interface between the "target board" and the EZ-ICE, however, by virtue of being able to see the results in HyperTerminal, you are testing between the PC and the target board.
    I could also run the SRAM test which tests the EZ-ICE's system RAM, this test does not test the DSP's SRAM it doesn't even need to be connected to a "target board" to run the test.  By pressing 't' then 'enter' the test can be run.
    260	$t
    270	Testing SRAM 0xC000..0xEFFF
    280	    0 error(s) with 0000, 0000, 0000
    290	    0 error(s) with 5555, 5555, 5555
    300	    0 error(s) with AAAA, AAAA, AAAA
    310	    0 error(s) with FFFF, FFFF, FFFF
    320	    0 error(s) with increment
    340	Boot code v1.0a May  7, 1997
    360	 j - jump to emulator in Flash memory
    370	 c - Compute CRC of Boot code and Flash code
    380	 i - DSP interface test
    390	 t - SRAM test
    400	 f - Flash memory test
    410	 update - update FLASH ROM
    420	 erase - erase all FLASH ROM
    430	 ? - menu
    440	$
    Lines 270 through 320 show me the result of this test.  In this case, the test passed without any errors.
    By typing 'f' then 'enter' the FLASH test is selected.  Typically, FLASH tests are destructive to the contents of the flash and this is no exception.  To get into this test, the user must type 'f', 'enter' then 'yes' then 'enter'  The yes must be typed in within 1 second of the 'enter' or the test will not be performed.
    If you do not do it fast enough it looks like this:
    440	$f
    441	The emulator code in Flash will be erased and must be reprogrammed
    442	Enter 'yes' to continue test
    443	$abort
    A passed test looks like this:
    440	$f
    450	The emulator code in Flash will be erased and must be reprogrammed
    460	Enter 'yes' to continue test
    470	$yes
    480	Testing...
    490	passed erase test
    500	passed increment pattern test
    510	passed all zero test
    530	Boot code v1.0a May  7, 1997
    550	 j - jump to emulator in Flash memory
    560	 c - Compute CRC of Boot code and Flash code
    570	 i - DSP interface test
    580	 t - SRAM test
    590	 f - Flash memory test
    600	 update - update FLASH ROM
    610	 erase - erase all FLASH ROM
    620	 ? - menu
    630	$
    Notice lines 450 - 510.  450 is warning you that the flash will be erased and need to be reprogrammed, and lines 490 - 510 say the flash passed the various different tests.  This is where and why you would need to edit the registry to tell VisualDSP that the flash has been destroyed. (See below)
    BE AWARE - the HyperTerminal utility erases the flash in the emulator.  To restore the flash in the emulator you must do the following or you will not be able to use the emulator with the debugger.
    1) Close out of the debugger and Hyper Terminal.
    2) Go to START > Run and type in regedit.
    3) Go to H_KEY_Current User > Software > Analog Devices > VisualDSP > 218x folder and delete the 218x folder
    4) Close out of the Registry.
    5) Now restart the VisualDSP debugger and select the proper ICE session that represents your target. This assumes you corrected the problem discovered during the Hyper Terminal dsp Interface test

  • Hi Santhakumari.k,
    Thank you for your reply. I have tried deleting the registry's and changing the baud rate but still i am
    facing the same issue. And I need to mention that I am using Windows XP operating system.

    1. Please share us the screenshot of the error message you are facing.
    Fatal firmware error 166
    ICE Driver_DSP is not responding to emulator interrupt.

    2. Are you facing this issue while debugging your code or while flashing?
    I am trying debugging only but I tried the flashing also that is also not working fine.

    3. Did you have access to another PC? If so, please try on that machine and let us know the result.
    Sorry i can't do that so. I have access for only one pc to use there.

    4. Try to uninstall and reinstall the VisualDSP++ and let us know if you are still facing the same issue.
    I tried that also but I am still facing the same issue.

    5. Are you using VisualDSP++ in virtual machine or default operating system?
    No I am using default operating system only.

    6. Do you have access to another 218x EZ-ICE? If you do please try connecting this to your machine and let
    us know if this emulator is able to successfully connect to a session.
     Sorry for that I don't have another 218x EZ-ICE to test that.

    I need to mention another thing also when the ADSP 2189 is connected using Jtag from 218x EZ-ICE the reset light on 2189 is ON. It is not getting OFF until the connections are removed.

  • Hi,

    Do u have any update for that issue?

    Thanks and Regards,


  • Hi Kiran,

    Thank you for answering our questions. We need some additional information to look at exactly what is happening.

    1. Please try closing VisualDSP++ then connecting to a session at startup. This can be done by selection Start->All Programs->Analog Devices->VisualDSP++ 3.5 for 16-Bit processors->VisualDSP++ Environment and holding down the Ctrl key. This will bring up the Session List. If your session is listed, highlight it and select Activate. If not, create a new session and then select Activate. Are you able to connect to a session? Let us know if you still encounter the same errors. Have you ever been able to connect to a session with this emulator?
    2. We recommend you to check the debug port of your target board for the possibility of electrical interference.
    3. Do you encounter this problem if you build and load a VisualDSP++ example? You can find VisualDSP+ examples for the 218x processors using the following path: <Install Dir>\218x\EZ-KITs\ADSP-2181\Examples
    4. Are you trying to boot your target board while the emulator is connected? Have you tried it without the emulator connected and then connecting the emulator after you code boots and executes?
    When booting from a flash device the code will load into the processor and start executing. Without the emulator connected the processor would not service and emulator interrupt since the emulation mode bits are not set. The other issue is that if you have not tried connecting to the processor with VDSP then the emulation bits are not set and the processor would not know that the emulator is connected.


  • Hi Santhakumari K,
    Thanks for your responding.
    1) I tried by changing the session for many times but the connection is made fine.
    2)I checked the debug port of the target board ,there is no electronic interference.
    3)Even the example programs are also making the same issue.
    4)I am trying to boot the target board only when the emulator is connected. I not even tried the other method and I need to mention that our board is evaluation board.

    Best Regards,
    M Kiran Vignesh

  • Hi Kiran,

    Still you are facing issue, this could mean a problem with the target DSP, or the emulation signals to the target DSP. Another cause could be a bad clkin signal to the DSP.
    We have seen errors such as this caused in the past when the target board has tried to reset itself while the emulator is connected. Please make sure this is not the case with your board.

    In order for us to accept this emulator back under an RMA we first need to confirm it is indeed faulty, this is to reduce the risk of unnecessary downtime for you.

    We just need few more pieces of information to work out exactly what is happening.Could you please try to answer all below questions, which will be helpful for us to assist you further.

    1. Could you please confirm whether you couldn't able to use your emulator with any of the board successfully. A quick easy test to perform would be to try connecting 218x EZ-ICE emulator to a known good target board. Do you still encounter the same error messages?

    2. Could you also check all of your connections: the header connection to the target, power supplies to both target and ICE, COM connection from ICE to PC, and ensure all are firm and stable.

    3.Do you have any other emulators of the same type, which operates correctly with the same target board and PC?

    4.Share us the screenshot of the device manager which shows the emulator and screenshot of the driver tab by clicking the emulator > properties > Driver.

    5. Let us know whether you have purchased the emulator directly from Analog Devices or from distributor.

    6. Can you tell us which version and update of VisualDSP++ you are using? E.g. VisualDSP++ 3.5 October 2006 Update

    7. Finally, can you confirm that your PC has a true Serial port - i.e. ensure you are not using a USB-to-Serial converter to use a USB port as a Serial connection for the ICE.

    Based on all the above confirmations only we can confirm whether the emulator/Board is indeed faulty/need replacement.

    We also recommended to refer the following FAQ:- "FAQ: I have a faulty Emulator/EZ-Kit. What do I do?"


  • Hi Santhakumari K,
    1) Could you please confirm whether you couldn't able to use your emulator with any of the board successfully. A quick easy test to perform would be to try connecting 218x EZ-ICE emulator to a known good target board.Do you still encounter the same error messages?

         Yes,I am still encountering the same error.

    2) Could you also check all of your connections: the header connection to the target, power supplies to both target and ICE, COM connection from ICE to PC, and ensure all are firm and stable.

         Everything is fine.

    3)Do you have any other emulators of the same type, which operates correctly with the same target board and PC?

         No,We don't have.

    4)Share us the screenshot of the device manager which shows the emulator and screenshot of the driver tab by clicking the emulator > properties > Driver.

    I don't any drivers like that in device manager.

    6. Can you tell us which version and update of VisualDSP++ you are using? E.g. VisualDSP++ 3.5 October 2006 Update

    Visual Dsp++ 3.0 Version Aug 9 2002.

    7. Finally, can you confirm that your PC has a true Serial port - i.e. ensure you are not using a USB-to-Serial converter to use a USB port as a Serial connection for the ICE.

    The pc has the true serial port.

    I need to add some process which is done by me and one another error msg i will attach with this reply.

    Please have a look on this :

    Regards and Thanks,
    Kiran Vignesh M

  • Hi Kiran,

    According to your response in the "EZ-ICE 218X Error" tabular column, we understood, that your emulator and the target board are connected successfully, and SRAM test as well as Flash memory Test are passed, but you encountered the error while loading, also you are using the Visual Dsp++ 3.0 Version Aug 9 2002.

    Please note that VisualDSP++ 3.5 is the latest version of VisualDSP++ for the 21xx family. If you have not started using VisualDSP++ 3.5 we would highly recommend upgrading to VisualDSP++ 3.5 at this stage. You can download VisualDSP++ 3.5 as well as find more information on this version from the following web link :

    Please note there is no need to install a separate installation of the emulation tools, these are now installed as part of the base install.

    Please refer to the below link which may help you to connect ADSP-218x EZ-KIT in VisualDSP++ 3.5:

    We also recommend to have a look at the below linked documents.

    ADSP-218x EZ-ICE Tips and Tricks

    ADSP-218x Family EZ-ICE Hardware Installation Guide


Reply Children
  • Hi Santhakumari K,

    Thanks for your great help. I have installed the latest version of Visual DSP 3.5.The EZ-ICE is not communicating with the host PC. So I tried to make the connection via serial port. I refered the datasheet to make the connection but the host pc is not getting communicated. For this I need to change any mode settings. Can anyone help me with a solution. Thanks in advance.

    Thanks and Regards,

    Kiran Vignesh M.