I need some help with my 21469 EZ-KIT
In short the problem is, that I can't connect VisualDSP++ to my 21469 EZ-KIT
Here are some specs:
Host OS = Windows 10 Enterprise 64bit
VDSP++ Version is 5.1.2 (License = permanent node locked)
EZ-Kit = ADZS-21469-EZLITE (SNR 705946) + ADZS-SADA2-BRD (SNR 725964)
I followed exactly the steps in the "ADSP-21469 EZ-Board®Evaluation System Manual"
But everytime I try to connect I get an error 0x80048015
Windows driver is loaded and seem to work.
In parallel I have an installation of CrossCore Embedded Studio V2.9.0 on the same maschine.
The EZ-KIT works perfectly with this CCES.
I double checked this with a simple, newly created CCES project (Hello World)
and with one of the 21469 EZ-KIT examples (Audio Bypass).
I'm looking forward to your reply