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How to convert Sigma Studio Plus Exported System Files to .c and .h for usage in a CCES microcontroller project

Category: Software
Product Number: sigma
Software Version: cces v3 sigma studio plus v2.2(update 1)

currently the program exportCodeParam.exe does not work with sigma studio plus

This is due to the labels used in the exported files do not match the labels the exportCodeParam.exe is looking for.
I have made a batch file called conv.bat. This batch file requires an argument of the name of the filename used when exporting project in sigma studio plus.
eg. if use filename 'export' then DiffDXESchematic_1_PARAM.h will be Export_DiffDXESchematic_1_PARAM.h.

in the folder where the exported data is located copy the files


the init_conv batch file runs the conversion batch file with the argument it needs of the filename used in the export data process.

The FindReplace.exe is a little program i wrote in C# to find and replace text. It was easier to write my own than adapt something i could download.

when finished the .h and .c files for each core will be present
I have tested this on the SC573 EZKIT DemoUC example created in sigma studio plus (version 2.2.0 (Update 1)) and it works just fine.

hope this helps others and hopefully get a proper fix soon

in the zip file are example


The 'exportCodeParam.exe' you should already have.

SigmaStudioPlus ExportCodeParam