When I add a Gain module, it works correctly but if I increase its channel number it will stop working.
Does anyone also had this problem?
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When I add a Gain module, it works correctly but if I increase its channel number it will stop working.
Does anyone also had this problem?
DaveThib - Moved from SigmaDSP Processors & SigmaStudio Dev. Tool to SigmaStudio for SHARC. Post date updated from Monday, April 8, 2024 7:13 PM UTC to Monday, April 8, 2024 8:12 PM UTC to reflect the move.
Hi, could you please share the sample schematic to check this issue?
Thank you we will investigate and report to internal team if any issue.
Hi Isaque,
The gain module didn't support multiple channels, but UI only shows channel growth. There could be a minor bug in right click UI menu, and this will be fixed in next SS+ update.
Please refer to the SS+ 2.1.0 which didn't support channel growth for gain.
Thanks Sakthivel,
I verified the wiki page about Gain, does it support multiple channels if I use another processor?
Yes, ADAU145x and ADAU146x will support multi-channel, there may be some update needed in this page specific to processors. We will report it to internal team. Thank you for your feedback.
A new SigmaStudio+ update is available; SigmaStudio+ v2.2.0.1, which addresses this issue. Please refer to Update Manager [Analog Devices Wiki] for details on how to apply this update. Refer to the Update Manager for details on changes included as part of this update.