HI :
We know that adsp-21565 has L1 and L2 ram block; sigma will use L1 and L2 RAM BLOCK ; So, Which block in the L1 and L2 block is used by the buffer used in the following sigma?
Buffer Address Size (bytes)
FW Buffer 0 0x2CE81C 39048
FW Buffer 1 0x3192F0 0
FW Buffer 2 0x2000C66C 0
SS Buffer 0 0x2000C66C 1024
SS Buffer 1 0x259D88 21384
SS Buffer 2 0x2000CA6C 1024
SS Buffer 3 0x2000CE6C 4096
SS Buffer 4 0x2D80A4 52520
SS Buffer 5 0x3192F0 24756
SS Buffer 6 0x39854C 96
SS Buffer 7 0x200C0000 32
SS Buffer 8 0x3985AC 64
SS Buffer 9 0x200D8000 64
SS Buffer 10 0x2000DE6C 64
SSn ID: 0 (override)