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[Bug Report] SigmaStudio+ Numeric Array variable in Algorithm Designer not saving size

Category: Software

SigmaStudio+ version details:

I am using the Algorithm Designer to create some custom modules and I want to use a table to control a parameter.

I have created a parameter on the Parameter Definition tab and have created a corresponding variable on the variables tab which I have set as a Numeric Array.

Now the issue I am having is that if I change the size of the numeric array variable from the default 10, it doesn't seem to save properly in the .adprj file. So if I save the Algorithm Designer project, close it and reopen it again from file, the variable will have gone back to the default size of 10.

  • Hi,

    Sorry for the inconvenience.

    This fix will be available in the upcoming release of SigmaStudioPlus 2.1.0.


  • Just an update on this. The same issue occurs if you have multiple plugins in one project in the Algorithm Designer and switch between plugins; the size of numeric arrays go back to the default size of 10.

  • Hi,

    Thanks for addressing this issue.

    Switching the plugins in Algorithm Designer means, you are saving two Algorithm Designer projects and opening those two and verifying it. Is it correct?


  • Hi,

    No I have a single Algorithm Designer project with four plugins/modules loaded into it using the "Add plugin" button:

    And I am then using the "Module" drop down menu to switch between the different plugins (project not loaded in screenshot, hence why module menu is empty):

    However, I may have found a more fundamental bug. Even with a single plugin/module in an Algorithm Designer project, not only does the buffer size not store between opening and closing the project, it also doesn't seem to get stored when you build the DLL... However, I don't know whether that is part of the bug with buffer variables not remembering their size, or whether that is part of the other bug that I reported about not being able to get the UI controls to take on default variables (which might suggest an issue with the links between the UI elements and their assigned variables).

    It won't let me attach the .adprj file for the simple test I put together to check the above, so I include instructions for recreating the issue here:

    • Create a new plugin in Algorithm Designer
    • Call it whatever you want
    • Add some processing code - I copied the example code from the Wiki page on "Coding Conventions"
    • Add a parameter (I called mine Gains) and set it as a Float Buffer
    • Add input and output pins
    • Create a NumericBuffer/Numeric Array variable (I called mine gainVals) and change the size from 10 to something else
    • Skip memory size as we're not using any of the memory areas for this test
    • Assign the variable gainVals (or whatever you called it) to the parameter Gains (or whatever you called it)
    • Add a table to the UI and on the "Assignments" tab, assign your Numeric Array variable
    • Add the Toolbox Caption, Toolbox Hierarchy, UI Caption and Description entries on the Settings tab so that it appears correctly in the module library when we add it - what you call it etc is unimportant
    • Click the Build Plugin button and build the DLL
    • Add the DLL in the Add-ins Browser window
    • Add the module to a schematic and click on the view button of the table in the UI

    You should find that it only has the default 10 entries in the table.

    Many thanks for your continued support on this.

  • Hi,

    Thanks for sharing the detailed steps.

    Verified both the cases. Both the fixes are going to available in the upcoming release of SigmaStudioPlus 2.1.0 software.
