I'm working my way through the document - SIGMASTUDIO FOR SHARC (ADSP-SC5XX/ADSP-215XX) - QUICK START GUIDE
I am using the EZKIT-SC573 board
CCES product version - IDE version 2.11.113
I have got to section 7 - DemoUc application and can run the program successfully using the pre built DXEs that are in the release build.
If i clean and rebuild all the cores and attempt to run i get an error.
in Core 1
ASSERT [eRet == ADI_SS_FW_SUCCESS] fails at "C:\Analog Devices\SoftwareModules\SigmaStudioForSHARC-SH-Rel4.7.0\Target\Examples\DemoUc\ADSP-SC57x\Source\adi_ss_uc_app_sh0.c":137
which is
eRet = adi_ss_fw_Init(pAppSharcCore0Info->hssFWHandle, &pAppSharcCore0Info->oFWConfig);
if (eRet != ADI_SS_FW_SUCCESS)
pAppSharcCore0Info->nApplicationStatus |= ADI_SS_FW_INIT_FAILED;
after doing a bit more debugging i found the error that caused the assert to be triggered which is in the function 'FWAlgo_Init' in adi_ss_fw_internal.c
the function call at line 462 'adi_ss_create' returns with E_ADI_SS_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY
/* SSn creation */
eSSnRes = adi_ss_create(&pAlgoInfo->handle, pMemMap);
i would like to figure this out as if i go to the next section and run DemoUc with a custom schematic and then i have to rebuild the project i expect it to fail.
i tried changing the value assigned to ADI_SS_CONTROL_FW_ARM_MEMORY but that didn't work. i also checked i was putting in a big enough value by checking the size of the tSSARMFWInfo structure.
i also increased the memory allocated to in adi_ss_fw_config.h and adi_ss_fw_config_2156.h
#define ADI_SS_SHARC_FW_MEMORY (12832U) //(6272U)
#define ADI_SS_CONTROL_FW_SHARC_MEMORY (15576U) //(11948U)
i'm at a bit of a loss now as not sure what 'adi_ss_create' is doing
anyone else had a problem with this or have i missed something or doing something i shouldn't
any help appreciated, thanks