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Application Exception when link compile download

Category: Software
Product Number: ADSP-21565
Software Version: sigmastudio4.6 cces2.11.0


I copied a previous project and recompiled to generate the .dlb.

The previous project can be used normally,but the duplicate project has the following error.

I found the question about application exception in history question,but did not  find visa/non-visa in my current software version.

Parents Reply

    This link is  the project of LRtest.dlb in cces and algorithm designer which can only be downloaded once.

    But all the source code is below.

    /*  INCLUDES*/
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include "adi_ss_extmod.h"
    void BPROCESS_LRtest(SSBlockAlgo *pBlkAlgoInfo)
    	uint32_t 	i, sample, blbugPara;
    	float32_t 	*pInput,*pOutput;
    void INIT_LRtest(SSBlockAlgo *pBlkAlgoInfo)
    	printf("\nTEST CONV BEGIN.\n");

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