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CCES example project crashes in Release mode for ADSP-21569

Category: Software
Product Number: ADSP-21569
Software Version: CCES version 2.11.11, ICE-1000 version 1.2


I'm working with a ADSP-21569 SOM board. I tried running SS_uC_App_Core1 example project and Audio_Loopback_TDM example project for 21569 dsp seperately on the board and it works fine, but when i integrated the Audio_Loopback_TDM project code into the SS_uC_App_Core1 project and tried running that on the board in Release configuration, the program seems to run saying:

Loading application: "C:\Analog Devices\CrossCore Embedded Studio 2.11.1\SHARC\ldr\ezkit21569_preload.dxe"
Load complete.
Loading application: "C:\qsys-dsp\sharc-21569\ADSP-21569\SS_uC_App_Core1\Release\SS_uC_App_Core1.dxe"
Load complete.

but it doesn't run the code after the SPORT init code as I don't see any LEDs or print statements that come after the Sport_initialization() function. I'm attaching the project zip here, do i have any configuration wrong or am i missing any libraries/files? can someone help me with this.

