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Setup up the audio routing using SigmaStudio for ev21569-som+ ev-somcrr-ezkit+ADZS-AD2428MINI+EVAL-AD2428WB1BZ

Category: Software
Product Number: ev21569-som
Software Version: SigmaStudio 4.7

I have a ev21569-som+ ev-somcrr-ezkit board and it connect a ADZS-AD2428MIN over J10. In addition, the ADZS-AD2428MINI connect to a A2B EVAL-AD2428WB1BZ(this board has two microphones) over A2B bus as well. I would like to use SigmaStudio to create a audio route to allow me capture the 2PDM microphones from 21569. do you have a SigmaStudio dspprog likes adi_a2b_3NodeSampleDemoConfig.dspproj? Or if you have any guide to show me how to use SigmaStudio for ev21569-som+ ev-somcrr-ezkit board that also great.

