Category: Software
Product Number: CCES
Software Version: 2.11.1
Dear Shaktivel,
Some time ago you helped me with the following:
- Modify the Demo SS_App and SS_uC_App to support 96k/192k sampling rate.
- Setting up the SRU and source code for I2S input from an external USB interface, including one additional ASRC.
- Setting up the SRU and source code two stereo I2S outputs to two external stereo DACS.
Thank you for this, all is working fine in CCES 2.9.4 and 2.10.0.
However, I feel I need to go with the time and update to CCES 2.11.1, and my upgrade from SigmaStudioForSHARC-SH-Rel4.5.0 to Rel4.7.0 is under way.
I intend to rework my project code from scratch to hopefully eliminate old mistakes and unsuccessful ideas and code excursions.
- Can I import and re-use the system.svc file from the older working SS_App and SS_uC_App to save time and effort? Hopefully there are no mistakes there.
- Will your suggested (and successfully tested) modifications still be applicable to the new environment?
- Or will there be any additional modifications?
- Any other changes that I need to be aware of?