I am trying to build and debug the uC example code for ADSP-SC589 EZ. I have used this project as a template for some time now, and I want to retrace my steps by restarting from scratch and take careful notes.
I follow the QuickStart document in the SigmaStudio installation.
I have some progress, I can export the Volume_Mute_Block_SC589 project system files as described, and I can use pushbuttons PB1 and PB2 to mute output and disable the filter in Debug mode.
In Release mode however, the analog output is there as it should but the program does not respond to PB1 and PB2 press.
I have been very careful to check the consistency, I have one Volume_Mute_Block_SC589.dspproj file and one Volume_Mute_Block_SC589_Debug.dspproj file, with debug enabled/disabled.
I have made sure that the SHARC1/SHARC2 executables are properly selected.
In the project, I make sure the correct export files names are used, debug/nodebug.
What could be the reason for this?
I have even added a fprintf(stdout,"hello"); flush(stdout); into the callback, but there is no output in Release mode when I press PB1 and PB2.
My LED's are not working, unfortunately so I cannot use them to verify.