We using Sigmastudio 4.5 , Sigmastudio 4.5 for sharc and crosscore 2.9.4 on a sharc ADSP SC589.
When we add more sports to the ucDemo for SC589, we run out of memory on L2 memory.
We need 7 sports.
We had already try to change the following line in the .ld file.
/* ARM Core 0 L2 RAM, uncached */
/* MEM_L2_UNCACHED : ORIGIN = 0x20084000, LENGTH = 28K */
MEM_L2_UNCACHED : ORIGIN = 0x20084000, LENGTH = 76K /* max 77Kb */
/* ARM Core 0 L2 RAM, cached */
/* MEM_L2_CACHED : ORIGIN = 0x2008B000, LENGTH = 84K */
MEM_L2_CACHED : ORIGIN = 0x20097000, LENGTH = 32K /* max 35Kb */
After these changes we had the following overflow message.
..... `.ss_text' will not fit in region `MEM_L2_CACHED'
region `MEM_L2_CACHED' overflowed by 32684 bytes
What we need to change so that everything fits in the L2 memory.