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How are some files created in the UcDemo


We using Sigmastudio 4.5 and crosscore 2.9.4 on a sharc ADSP SC589

Using the demo "UcDemo"  ==> C:\Analog Devices\SoftwareModules\SigmaStudioForSHARC-SH-Rel4.5.0\Target\Examples\DemoUc\ADSP-SC58x\ADSP-SC589

In the ARM core0 are the follow files added:
- adi_ss_ssn_export_Volume_Mute_Block_SC5xx_IC_1.c
- adi_ss_ssn_export_Volume_Mute_Block_SC5xx_IC_0.c

These files can bu found in the follow location: C:\Analog Devices\SoftwareModules\SigmaStudioForSHARC-SH-Rel4.5.0\Target\Examples\DemoUc\ADSP-SC58x\Source

How are these files created from the sigmastudio schematic?    ==> C:\Analog Devices\SoftwareModules\SigmaStudioForSHARC-SH-Rel4.5.0\Host\Examples\Sample Schematics\ADSP-SC5xx

we had try it with the "exportCodeParam.exe" tool but not the same result.

  • Hi,
    These files are generated from the example schematic "Volume_Mute_Block_SC5xx.dspproj" in "C:\Analog Devices\SoftwareModules\SigmaStudioForSHARC-SH-Rel4.5.0\Host\Examples\Sample Schematics\ADSP-SC5xx" folder.

    one important point is, you should choose right SHARC core dxes which going to run on target ADSP-SC5xx processor and then do simply "Link compile download" once before exporting the code and parameter files using "export system files".

    Please try exporting the code and parameter with "SWC" as shown in below example,
    exportCodeParam.exe "SWC" "Volume_Mute_Block_SC589" "IC_1" "SC5xx"
    exportCodeParam.exe "SWC" "Volume_Mute_Block_SC589" "IC_2" "SC5xx"

    You may also refer "A. Utility for formatting Exported data from SigmaStudio" section in "AE_42_SS4G_QuickStartGuide.pdf" document in 
    "C:\Analog Devices\SoftwareModules\SigmaStudioForSHARC-SH-Rel4.5.0\Docs" folder.
