We using Sigmastudio 4.5 and crosscore 2.9.4 on a sharc ADSP SC589
Using the demo "UcDemo" ==> C:\Analog Devices\SoftwareModules\SigmaStudioForSHARC-SH-Rel4.5.0\Target\Examples\DemoUc\ADSP-SC58x\ADSP-SC589
In the ARM core0 are the follow files added:
- adi_ss_ssn_export_Volume_Mute_Block_SC5xx_IC_1.c
- adi_ss_ssn_export_Volume_Mute_Block_SC5xx_IC_0.c
These files can bu found in the follow location: C:\Analog Devices\SoftwareModules\SigmaStudioForSHARC-SH-Rel4.5.0\Target\Examples\DemoUc\ADSP-SC58x\Source
How are these files created from the sigmastudio schematic? ==> C:\Analog Devices\SoftwareModules\SigmaStudioForSHARC-SH-Rel4.5.0\Host\Examples\Sample Schematics\ADSP-SC5xx
we had try it with the "exportCodeParam.exe" tool but not the same result.