I'm working on a new design and we need to implement a new external delay custom algorithm in SigmaStudioForSHARC Rel4.5 for ADSP-21569.
Our goal is to create a delay block that allows up to 2-second delay at 96Khz and with the ability to instance at least 4x blocks on a single sigmastudio design.
I remember that for ADSP-214xx Analog provided an example for doing this in SigmaStudioForSharc rel 2.1
Unfortunately, both DSP and Software package are quite different and It's not possible to reuse the example in the newer DSP.
Is there a SigmaStudio external delay example for ADSP-215xx ?
In case we have to develop it from stretch the best way is to configure the SigmaStudio Target firmware to use all the external ram for SigmaStudio algorithms,
In this way, we can develop a generic Delay algorithm and the SS App will use the external or Internal RAM depending on the available space,
It is possible to use the external ram In this way?
Thanks and Best regards