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SC589-MINI issues error at programming the flash.

Category: Software
Software Version: CCES 2.9.4


About two years ago we have used the SC589-MINI board to run a convolution app; it runs fine.
Now we bought the same board version 2.1 and tried to program the flash with the existing unmodified app using "prog_SAM_flash_ice1000.bat <app-name>", which resulted in
"Error: failed erasing affected sectors" and led1 is on (red).

This error appears at the beginning of flashing after the ldr file is written; no "running dots" are seen.
Next we have rebuild app-name_Core0, app-name_Core1.dxe, app-name_Core2.dxe and tried to program the flash again with the same result.

Finally we tried to run the app with CCES2.9.4 Debug. The program seems to load properly, but does not run.

Which difference(s) between board version 2.1 and the former one 1.5 could cause this issue?

Reinier van der Welle
Eminent Organs BV
The Netherlands

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