Where can i find schematics of ADZS-SC589-MINI rev 2.1 schematics?
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The ADIN1300 is a low power, single port, Gigabit Ethernet transceiver with low latency and power consumption specifications primarily designed for industrial...
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Where can i find schematics of ADZS-SC589-MINI rev 2.1 schematics?
You should be able to find everything on this product on the associated wiki pages: https://wiki.analog.com/resources/tools-software/sharc-audio-module/hardware/main-board
Yes, but this is for revision 1.5
I can't find anything for revision 2.1
The Ethernet PHY is totally different
I apologize. I was getting my boards confused. I will get this updated shortly.
Latest schematics have been uploaded.
Thanks a lot for the schematics!
Can you add a migration list or may be the main changes that should be done in the MAC on order to switch from dp83867 PHY to the new ADIN1300 PHY?
we have an alternative to the original bare metal framework with the "sam-audio-starter" (and the related "reusable components" repository. They can be found at the ADI external github: https://github.com/analogdevicesinc/sam-audio-starter/tree/Networking-1.0.0-Github (this is the "networking" branch and has some code to check which PHY is present and initialize as needed)
(reusable components at: https://github.com/analogdevicesinc/sharc-reusable-components (these components are pulled in to build an application like the sam-audio-starter)
there is also a bootloader included (once the bootloader is installed, then the board can be re-flashed via a USB cable connected to the OTG connector and using the "SAM Flasher" utility.
There is some documentation on the wiki: https://wiki.analog.com/resources/tools-software/sharc-audio-module/advanced-audio-projects
for the new PHY, you can find new PHY file support in the folder: https://github.com/analogdevicesinc/sam-audio-starter/tree/Networking-1.0.0-Github/ARM/src/adi-drivers/ethernet/gemac
in the file adi_dp8386x_phy.c, you can see the check for the PHY type on the board by the read of the vendor ID in the dp8386x_phy_init() function
and the PHY initialization is shortly after that code