[#4215] [ltp] ltp test cases will crash occasionally in SMP kernel
Submitted By: Vivi Li
Open Date
2008-07-02 05:44:54 Close Date
2008-07-28 06:47:35
Medium High Assignee:
Graf Yang
Closed Fixed In Release:
Found In Release:
N/A Release:
N/A Board:
N/A Silicon Revision:
Is this bug repeatable?:
Yes Resolution:
Uboot version or rev.:
Toolchain version or rev.:
08r1.5 branch, svn 2660
App binary format:
Summary: [ltp] ltp test cases will crash occasionally in SMP kernel
LTP cases will crash from time to time in SMP kernel. But I can't reproduce these crashes manually.
Cases that ever crashed are rename09, mkdir02 and mkdir04.
root:/bin> rename09
getpNULmL pointer access (probably) from 0x003a3306 on CPU0^M
:DSucefesrerendm 09 E 1 xROK c geepwnap() ftileion context^M
COMM=rename09 PID=332^M
CPU = 0^M
TEXT = 0x003a0040-0x003ab360 DATA = 0x003ab364-0x003ae144^M
BSS = 0x003ae144-0x003b34a4 USER-STACK = 0x003bbf7c^M
return address: [0x003a3306]; contents of:^M
0x003a32e0: e300 0adc e142 003a e102 c7e4 6010 6001 ^M
0x003a32f0: e3ff f9f0 60e0 e300 19bf bbe0 b9e0 b9f1 ^M
0x003a3300: 3208 3401 6832 [9c00] e0b2 2002 c803 1800 ^M
0x003a3310: 9208 9c00 9208 b9e0 e801 0000 0010 0000 ^M
SEQSTAT: 00000027 IPEND: 0030 SYSCFG: 0036^M
EXCAUSE : 0x27^M
RETE: <0x00000000> /* Maybe null pointer? */^M
RETN: <0x003d6000> /* unknown address */^M
RETX: <0x003a3306> [ rename09 + 0x32c6 ]^M
RETS: <0x003a32fa> [ rename09 + 0x32ba ]^M
PC : <0x003a3306> [ rename09 + 0x32c6 ]^M
DCPLB_FAULT_ADDR: <0x00000000> /* Maybe null pointer? */^M
ICPLB_FAULT_ADDR: <0x003a3306> [ rename09 + 0x32c6 ]^M
R0 : 003ae028 R1 : 00000000 R2 : 00000020 R3 : 003ae0e4^M
R4 : 003a0140 R5 : 00000001 R6 : 003af1c8 R7 : 00000000^M
P0 : 00000004 P1 : 003ae028 P2 : 00000006 P3 : 003bbf80^M
P4 : 003ae144 P5 : 003ab364 FP : 003bbecc SP : 003d5f24^M
LB0: 003a5fa1 LT0: 003a5f9e LC0: 00000000^M
LB1: 003a52ed LT1: 003a52ec LC1: 00000000^M
B0 : 00000000 L0 : 00000000 M0 : 00000000 I0 : 00000000^M
B1 : 00000000 L1 : 00000000 M1 : 00000000 I1 : 003bbf80^M
B2 : 00000000 L2 : 00000000 M2 : 00000000 I2 : 00000000^M
B3 : 00000000 L3 : 00000000 M3 : 00000000 I3 : 00000000^M
A0.w: 00000022 A0.x: 00000000 A1.w: 00000022 A1.x: 00000000^M
USP : 003bbeb8 ASTAT: 02000000^M
Hardware Trace:^M
0 Target : <0x00004f5c> { _trap_c + 0x0 }^M
Source : <0x00009d48> { _exception_to_level5 + 0xc0 }^M
1 Target : <0x00009d08> { _exception_to_level5 + 0x80 }^M
Source : <0x00009cfe> { _exception_to_level5 + 0x76 }^M
2 Target : <0x00009c88> { _exception_to_level5 + 0x0 }^M
Source : <0x00009be0> { _ex_trap_c + 0x68 }^M
3 Target : <0x00009bba> { _ex_trap_c + 0x42 }^M
Source : <0x00009bb0> { _ex_trap_c + 0x38 }^M
4 Target : <0x00009b78> { _ex_trap_c + 0x0 }^M
Source : <0x00009912> { _ex_workaround_261 + 0x3a }^M
5 Target : <0x000098fa> { _ex_workaround_261 + 0x22 }^M
Source : <0x000098f0> { _ex_workaround_261 + 0x18 }^M
6 Target : <0x000098d8> { _ex_workaround_261 + 0x0 }^M
Source : <0x00009e14> { _trap + 0x64 }^M
7 Target : <0x00009df4> { _trap + 0x44 }^M
Source : <0x00009de4> { _trap + 0x34 }^M
8 Target : <0x00009db0> { _trap + 0x0 }^M
Source : <0x00009b1a> { _bfin_return_from_exception + 0xe }^M
9 Target : <0x00009b0c> { _bfin_return_from_exception + 0x0 }^M
Source : <0x00009902> { _ex_workaround_261 + 0x2a }^M
10 Target : <0x000098fa> { _ex_workaround_261 + 0x22 }^M
Source : <0x000098f0> { _ex_workaround_261 + 0x18 }^M
11 Target : <0x000098d8> { _ex_workaround_261 + 0x0 }^M
Source : <0x00009e14> { _trap + 0x64 }^M
12 Target : <0x00009df4> { _trap + 0x44 }^M
Source : <0x00009de4> { _trap + 0x34 }^M
13 Target : <0x00009db0> { _trap + 0x0 }^M
Source : <0x003a3304> [ rename09 + 0x32c4 ]^M
14 Target : <0x003a32fa> [ rename09 + 0x32ba ]^M
Source : <0x003a66c8> [ rename09 + 0x6688 ]^M
15 Target : <0x003a66b4> [ rename09 + 0x6674 ]^M
Source : <0x003a7b6c> [ rename09 + 0x7b2c ]^M
Stack from 003d5f04:
00000000 00009d4c ffb00028 ffb00028 ffb00024 0a0a0a0a 00000029 003aa47e
003a3306 00000030 00000027 00000000 003d6000 003a3306 003a3306 003a32fa
003ae028 02000000 003a52ed 003a5fa1 003a52ec 003a5f9e 00000000 00000000
00000022 00000000 00000022 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 003bbf80 00000000 003bbeb8 003bbecc 003ab364 003ae144
Call Trace:
root:/bin> mkdir02
getpwnNULL pointer access (probably) from 0x00ac31f6 on CPU0
: SDecessf
mkder02 r 1e BROKd : etpwEam()xfailec
eption context
COMM=mkdir02 PID=146
CPU = 0
TEXT = 0x00ac0040-0x00acb1e0 DATA = 0x00acb1e4-0x00ace0e4
BSS = 0x00ace0e4-0x00ad3104 USER-STACK = 0x00adbf7c
return address: [0x00ac31f6]; contents of:^M
0x00ac31d0: e300 0abe e142 00ac e102 c78c 6010 6001
0x00ac31e0: e3ff f9f0 60e0 e300 19a1 bbe0 b9e0 b9f1
0x00ac31f0: 3208 3401 6832 [9c00] e0b2 2002 c803 1800
0x00ac3200: 9208 9c00 9208 b9e0 e801 0000 0010 0000
SEQSTAT: 00000027 IPEND: 0030 SYSCFG: 0036
EXCAUSE : 0x27
RETE: <0x00000000> /* Maybe null pointer? */
RETN: <0x00a6e000> /* unknown address */
RETX: <0x00ac31f6> [ mkdir02 + 0x31b6 ]
RETS: <0x00ac31ea> [ mkdir02 + 0x31aa ]
PC : <0x00ac31f6> [ mkdir02 + 0x31b6 ]
DCPLB_FAULT_ADDR: <0x00000000> /* Maybe null pointer? */
ICPLB_FAULT_ADDR: <0x00ac31f6> [ mkdir02 + 0x31b6 ]
R0 : 00acdfc8 R1 : 00000000 R2 : 00000020 R3 : 00ace084
R4 : 00ac0140 R5 : 00000001 R6 : 00acf168 R7 : 00000000
P0 : 00000004 P1 : 00acdfc8 P2 : 00000006 P3 : 00adbf80
P4 : 00ace0e4 P5 : 00acb1e4 FP : 00adbe38 SP : 00a6df24
LB0: 00ac5e55 LT0: 00ac5e52 LC0: 00000000
LB1: 00ac51a1 LT1: 00ac51a0 LC1: 00000000
B0 : 00000000 L0 : 00000000 M0 : 00000000 I0 : 00000000
B1 : 00000000 L1 : 00000000 M1 : 00000000 I1 : 00adbf80
B2 : 00000000 L2 : 00000000 M2 : 00000000 I2 : 00000000
B3 : 00000000 L3 : 00000000 M3 : 00000000 I3 : 00000000
A0.w: 00000014 A0.x: 00000000 A1.w: 00000014 A1.x: 00000000
USP : 00adbe24 ASTAT: 02000000
Hardware Trace:
0 Target : <0x00004f5c> { _trap_c + 0x0 }
Source : <0x00009d50> { _exception_to_level5 + 0xc0 }
1 Target : <0x00009d10> { _exception_to_level5 + 0x80 }
Source : <0x00009d06> { _exception_to_level5 + 0x76 }
2 Target : <0x00009c90> { _exception_to_level5 + 0x0 }
Source : <0x00009be8> { _ex_trap_c + 0x68 }^M
3 Target : <0x00009bc2> { _ex_trap_c + 0x42 }^M
Source : <0x00009bb8> { _ex_trap_c + 0x38 }^M
4 Target : <0x00009b80> { _ex_trap_c + 0x0 }^M
Source : <0x0000991a> { _ex_workaround_261 + 0x3a }^M
5 Target : <0x00009902> { _ex_workaround_261 + 0x22 }^M
Source : <0x000098f8> { _ex_workaround_261 + 0x18 }^M
6 Target : <0x000098e0> { _ex_workaround_261 + 0x0 }^M
Source : <0x00009e1c> { _trap + 0x64 }^M
7 Target : <0x00009dfc> { _trap + 0x44 }^M
Source : <0x00009dec> { _trap + 0x34 }^M
8 Target : <0x00009db8> { _trap + 0x0 }^M
Source : <0x00009b22> { _bfin_return_from_exception + 0xe }^M
9 Target : <0x00009b14> { _bfin_return_from_exception + 0x0 }^M
Source : <0x0000990a> { _ex_workaround_261 + 0x2a }^M
10 Target : <0x00009902> { _ex_workaround_261 + 0x22 }^M
Source : <0x000098f8> { _ex_workaround_261 + 0x18 }^M
11 Target : <0x000098e0> { _ex_workaround_261 + 0x0 }^M
Source : <0x00009e1c> { _trap + 0x64 }^M
12 Target : <0x00009dfc> { _trap + 0x44 }^M
Source : <0x00009dec> { _trap + 0x34 }^M
13 Target : <0x00009db8> { _trap + 0x0 }^M
Source : <0x00ac31f4> [ mkdir02 + 0x31b4 ]^M
14 Target : <0x00ac31ea> [ mkdir02 + 0x31aa ]^M
Source : <0x00ac657c> [ mkdir02 + 0x653c ]^M
15 Target : <0x00ac6568> [ mkdir02 + 0x6528 ]^M
Source : <0x00ac7a20> [ mkdir02 + 0x79e0 ]^M
Stack from 00a6df04:
00000000 00009d54 ffb00028 ffb00028 ffb00024 0a0a0a0a 00000029 00aca2ee
00ac31f6 00000030 00000027 00000000 00a6e000 00ac31f6 00ac31f6 00ac31ea
00acdfc8 02000000 00ac51a1 00ac5e55 00ac51a0 00ac5e52 00000000 00000000
00000014 00000000 00000014 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00adbf80 00000000 00adbe24 00adbe38 00acb1e4 00ace0e4
Call Trace:
root:/bin> mkdir04
getpwNULL pointer access (probably) from 0x00ae30fe on CPU1
: SDccese
mkfir04e r BReK d ge pwnaE() fxilce
ption context
COMM=mkdir04 PID=157
CPU = 1
TEXT = 0x00ae0040-0x00aeb0a0 DATA = 0x00aeb0a4-0x00aede84
BSS = 0x00aede84-0x00af2eb4 USER-STACK = 0x00afaf7c
rd /bin
eturn address: [0x00ae30fe]; contents of:
0x00ae30d0: e140 00ae e100 c514 e300 0a84 e142 00ae ^M
0x00ae30e0: e102 c520 6010 6001 e3ff f9f0 60e0 e300 ^M
0x00ae30f0: 1967 bbe0 b9e0 b9f1 3208 3401 6832 [9c00]^M
0x00ae3100: e0b2 2002 c803 1800 9208 9c00 9208 b9e0 ^M
SEQSTAT: 00000027 IPEND: 0030 SYSCFG: 0036^M
EXCAUSE : 0x27^M
RETE: <0x00000000> /* Maybe null pointer? */^M
RETN: <0x00a6e000> /* unknown address */^M
RETX: <0x00ae30fe> [ mkdir04 + 0x30be ]^M
RETS: <0x00ae30f2> [ mkdir04 + 0x30b2 ]^M
PC : <0x00ae30fe> [ mkdir04 + 0x30be ]
DCPLB_FAULT_ADDR: <0x00000000> /* Maybe null pointer? */^M
ICPLB_FAULT_ADDR: <0x00ae30fe> [ mkdir04 + 0x30be ]^M
R0 : 00aedd64 R1 : 00000000 R2 : 00000020 R3 : 00aede20^M
R4 : 00ae0140 R5 : 00000001 R6 : 00aeef08 R7 : 00000000^M
P0 : 00000004 P1 : 00aedd64 P2 : 00000006 P3 : 00afaf80^M
P4 : 00aede80 P5 : 00aeb0a4 FP : 00afaee8 SP : 00a6df24^M
LB0: 00ae5ce9 LT0: 00ae5ce6 LC0: 00000000^M
LB1: 00ae5035 LT1: 00ae5034 LC1: 00000000^M
B0 : 00000000 L0 : 00000000 M0 : 00000000 I0 : 00000000^M
B1 : 00000000 L1 : 00000000 M1 : 00000000 I1 : 00afaf80^M
B2 : 00000000 L2 : 00000000 M2 : 00000000 I2 : 00000000^M
B3 : 00000000 L3 : 00000000 M3 : 00000000 I3 : 00000000^M
A0.w: 00000015 A0.x: 00000000 A1.w: 00000015 A1.x: 00000000^M
USP : 00afaed4 ASTAT: 02000000^M
Hardware Trace:
Stack from 00a6df04:
00000000 00009d54 ff700028 ff700028 ff700024 0a0a0a0a 00000029 00aea1c6
00ae30fe 00000030 00000027 00000000 00a6e000 00ae30fe 00ae30fe 00ae30f2
00aedd64 02000000 00ae5035 00ae5ce9 00ae5034 00ae5ce6 00000000 00000000
00000015 00000000 00000015 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000 00afaf80 00000000 00afaed4 00afaee8 00aeb0a4 00aede80
Call Trace:
--- Graf Yang 2008-07-08 23:53:24
Please check /etc/passwd, there should be one account named bin, or else
rename09, mkdir02, mkdir04 will crash.
--- Graf Yang 2008-07-15 03:13:44
It's not the ltp test application bug, please check the file /etc/passwd.
--- Vivi Li 2008-07-28 06:47:31
I modified the ltp test script to make sure passwd is copied to /etc.
OK now. Close it.
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