[#6893] [ltp] epoll-ltp may fail on bf561-ezkit SMP kernel in 2011r1 branch and trunk
Submitted By: Vivi Li
Open Date
2011-11-21 03:50:19 Close Date
2012-09-04 05:08:40
Medium Assignee:
steven miao
Closed Fixed In Release:
Found In Release:
2011R1 Release:
N/A Board:
BF561 Silicon Revision:
Is this bug repeatable?:
Yes Resolution:
Not reproducible
Uboot version or rev.:
Toolchain version or rev.:
App binary format:
Summary: [ltp] epoll-ltp may fail on bf561-ezkit SMP kernel in 2011r1 branch and trunk
LTP test case epoll-ltp may fail on bf561-ezkit SMP kernel in both 2011r1 branch and trunk.
Usually configuration is wt_slab.
sys_epoll02 9232 TPASS : (epoll_ctl(2147483647,00000002,3,(nil)) returned 9:Bad file descriptor)
sys_epoll02 9233 TPASS : (epoll_ctl(2147483647,00000003,3,(nil)) returned 14:Bad address)
sys_epoll02 9234 TPASS : (epoll_ctl(2147483647,00000001,3,(nil)) returned 14:Bad address)
sys_epoll02 9235 TPASS : (epoll_ctl(2147483647,00000003,3,(nil)) returned 14:Bad address)
sys_epoll02 9236 TPASS : (epoll_ctl(2147483647,00000002,3,(nil)) returned 9:Bad file descriptor)
sys_epollI2 9N37 FTPAOS : ( polltctla214s483k47, 0000e03,p,(nol))lrltur-edl14:tad pddr:ss)5
sy5_epol102 238b TPlSS o: c(kpole_ctl(2d for more than 120 seconds.
4"483e47,c000h002o3,( il)0 re urn>d 9 Bad/filp dercriotorc
s/s_eyolls2 9/39 kTPAeS r (npole_ctl(21/748h647u7ffng_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
ffffepo,lnill) r-turled t4:Bpd a dre s) Dsys_epol 02 02400 TP0SS 0: bepo2l_c1l(24474 36 ff0fff ,3, nil 5 r5tur1ed 4:B d a dre s)170 0x00000000
Stsya_epcll0k 92 1 inASSf : o(ep:ll
tl(21474836 7S00P000:2,- ,(n[l))0retxrne0 9:2ad 4ile4des3ripdor)9
0] <0x02443d90> /* kernel dynamic memory */
sys_e olF02 P242: TP SS (: 0epoxl_c0l(2247443644,003000f3,-0,(n4l)))re
r ed M4:Bed amdreor)y from 0x02443d90 to 02444000
s_0pol202 42434 TP3SS d: 9epo0l_c:l[0107413643,002000b1,-9,(n4l))]r tu0ned014:1ad 9ddrdss)4
sy4_ep0ll0 9244 0TP0SS 3: 4epo7l_cbl(2a4740364 ,00 00003,-2,(n3l))1retdrne3 148Bad0add ess)
ys_0pol202 0245b TPcSS 3: cepo0l_c l(214 480647000000000,-1f(ni3)) 5etu0ned 9:B d f0le 0esc0ipt0r)0sys0epo0l020924 TP0SS2 : 4(ep4ll_3tl(d147e83607,0 0
003,21,(4il)4 re3urndd 1b:Ba0 ad:ress 00130222
0s0epo0l0209240 T0***0 : 0(ep ll ctl02140483344,007000b2,-a,(n0l)) 0t2rne0 9:0ad 9ileedes2rip0or)
ys_e0ol002 9048 0TPA0S 0 (2pol ct0(212748064777ffff6ff,81,(cil) r tur0ed 04:B0d a0dre0s)001 sys epo0l0229240 TbASSc : 3(epcll_0tl( 147
0642,ff4fff4f3-1,dnild) r0tur:ed 1 :0000a00re0s)0sys epo l00 0 a T0NFO2 : 2umm6ry: f 9016 2ests, e0oll9ctl4fai6ed 8 (1008 pa s d).0
ro2t:/0inb c3f4 ^[[6n 00000001 ffa47280 00000008 d6e2fc28
02443df0: 0000e884 020a1a84 0001aa14 00131a64 02443e28 0000f462 00347ba0 00000001
02443e10: 00347bd8 0000f27c 02094674 00347bd8 0209467c 00000000 02443e54 <0000e9c0>
02443e30: 02443e50 0000f342 00347ba0 00000000 00347bd8 020bc4b4 02094640 00347ba0
02443e50: 0231d380 020bc3c0 020bc4b4 00000000 02443e94 00130222 00000000 020bc3c0
02443e70: 020bc4b4 0001a820 0006ab88 02442008 02442000 02442000 002c0ba0 020bc52c
02443e90: 0018e000 0202bbe0 0001c246 020bc4b4 020bc3b8 020bc3c0 00000011 0018e008
02443eb0: 020bc4b4 00000001 0207fc80 00000229 02443ec0 02443ec0 02443ecc 02443ecc
02443ed0: 02443ecc 020bc4fc 0267bedc 0001c4b0 0001c4a4 00000001 02668dc4 00000000
02443ef0: ffffe000 00000000 026607f8 <0000b13e> 00000000 (ffffe000)<0000b13e> 00000025
02443f10: 00000000 ffffffff 00000003 026607f8 00000000 02662130 00008000 00000000
02443f30: 00000000 02444000 02662130 02662130 0266446a 0000b914 02003025 02665395
02443f50: 02663903 0266534a 02663902 00000000 00000000 0000147a 00000000 0000147a
02443f70: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
02443f90: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000004 00000000 023d9d98 02668dc4
02443fb0: 02666fdc 0267bed0 0267bedc 00000000 00000001 02668dc4 02668a8c 00000005
02443fd0: 00000001 00000000 00000001 00000000 026607f8 00000003 00000000 026691b0
02443ff0: 00000000 00000000 00000001 00000006
Return addresses in stack:
address : <0x0000e9c0> { _deactivate_task + 0x34 }
address : <0x0000b13e> { _system_call + 0x6a }
frame 1 : <0x0000b13e> { _system_call + 0x6a }
--- steven miao 2011-12-06 22:56:00
epoll-ltp can pass here
sys_epoll02 9246 TPASS : (epoll_ctl(2147483647,00000003,-1,(nil)) returned
14:Bad address)
sys_epoll02 9247 TPASS : (epoll_ctl(2147483647,00000002,-1,(nil)) returned
9:Bad file descriptor)
sys_epoll02 9248 TPASS : (epoll_ctl(2147483647,7fffffff,-1,(nil)) returned
14:Bad address)
sys_epoll02 9249 TPASS : (epoll_ctl(2147483647,ffffffff,-1,(nil)) returned
14:Bad address)
sys_epoll02 0 TINFO : Summary: Of 9216 tests, epoll_ctl failed 0 (100%
--- Vivi Li 2012-09-04 06:06:43
Can't see this bug now.
Close it.
File Name File Type File Size Posted By
config.config.ltp_wt_slab application/octet-stream 48227 Vivi Li
config.linux.ltp_wt_slab application/octet-stream 27726 Vivi Li