I am new to the forum and currently there are several questions running in my mind.
I am able to successfully get the BF537-EZkit up with the help of Visual DSP5.0 and run the example codes on the same. I have run the example flash programing on the kit and able to boot up the kit without running the Visual DSP5.0.
Now, I have few question or doubts, request you to kindly address the same.
Followed the steps in https://blackfin.uclinux.org/doku.php?id=bootloaders:u-boot:compiling for compiling the uboot for BF537.
1. What is the difference between make bf537-stamp, bf537-mintaur, bf537-pnav and bf537-srv1.
2. Which command should be used to build uboot for evaluation kit and for the bare bf537 processor.