How can I test for faulty connections between my ICE and Target Board?
We provide an ICE Test Utility as part of the VisualDSP++ and CrossCore Embedded Tools. This utility can be used to test for faulty JTAG connections between your ICE and Hardware, as well as testing your hardware configuration.
The ICE Test is available from the Target Configurator by clicking the ‘Test…’ button.
To invoke the VisualDSP++ Configurator from the Windows Start button choose Programs, Analog Devices, and then VisualDSP++ Configurator.
[CrossCore Embedded Studio (CCES)]
The Target Configurator in can be invoked by selecting Debug Configurations from the Run file menu within CrossCore Embedded Studio.
Alternatively you can right-click a project and choose either Run As > Run Configurations or Debug As > Debug Configurations from the context menu. Once the Run/Debug Configurations dialog box appears click Select Session from the Session tab of the Run/Debug Configurations dialog box. The Session Wizard appears.
Please see the VisualDSP++ or CrossCore Embedded Tools Help pages for details of each step in the ICE Test
or alternatively EE-175 or EE-356:
- EE-175 - Emulator and Evaluation Hardware Troubleshooting Guide for VisualDSP++
- EE-356 - Emulator and Evaluation Hardware Troubleshooting Guide for CCES
This FAQ was generated from the following thread: How can I test for faulty connections between my ICE and Target Board?