I can’t find the Target Configurator or ICE Test utility in CrossCore Embedded Studio
The Target Configurator is accessible from the Session Wizard which is available from the Run Configurations or Debug Configurations dialog boxes. Note: The Run Configurations and Debug Configurations dialog boxes are identical, except for their titles.
To access the Debug Configurations dialog box , select Debug Configurations from the Run file menu within CrossCore Embedded Studio.
Alternatively you can open the Run/Debug Configurations dialog box by right-clicking on a project and choosing either Run As > Run Configurations or Debug As > Debug Configurations from the context menu.
From the Run/Debug Configurations dialog box click the Select Session button on the right of the Session tab. The Session Wizard will load. Click Configurator from any page of the Session wizard to load the Target Configurator. Once open you can access the ICE Test by clicking the Test… button.