I have recently installed CrossCore Embedded Studio. Where can I find examples within the installation?
The Board Support Package for your evaluation hardware is available to download from the relevant product page. This package provides all the necessary components needed to use your EZ-Board or EZ-Extender with the CrossCore Embedded Studio software development tools.
There are two categories of HW controllers: On-chip and off-chip. On-chip controllers are defined as controllers that exist in the processor silicon package. Off-chip controllers are defined as controllers that do not exist in the processor silicon package but have been added to the EZ-Board or EZ-Extender.
Once you have installed a Board Support Package, it will allow you to connect to your new target board and access additional examples and SSL 2.0 drivers for off-chip controllers, and documentation for the EZ-Board or EZ-Extender.
By default, the location of any Board Support Packages you install can be found at “C:\Analog Devices\”, with examples located in a “.\<Your EZ-Board Software Version>\<Your EZ-Board Name>\Examples” directory.
All on-chip controller drivers are delivered as part of the CrossCore Embedded Studio distribution. You can find example projects in the following directory:
<Install Dir>\CrossCore Embedded Studio x.x.x\Blackfin\Examples