The Analog Devices ICE-1000 and ICE-2000 emulators, the next generation ICE-100B and USB-ICE respectively, facilitate the creation, test, and debug of advanced applications on Analog Devices SHARC and Blackfin Processors and DSPs. Working in tandem with the CrossCore Embedded Studio development environment, these emulators provide state-of-the-art support for all JTAG-compliant Analog Devices processors.
New debug features added for the ICE-1000/ICE-2000:
- Program trace*
- System trace*
- Cross trigger channel control*
- Coresight Serial Wire Debug(SWD) support*
Key features of the emulators include:
- Blackfin, Blackfin+ and SHARC support
- Plug-n-Play, USB 2.0 compliant
- USB bus-powered device
- Windows 8.1, Window 7 compatible
- Multiple processor I/O voltage support: 1.8V, 2.5V, and 3.3V
- Multiprocessor support
- JTAG/SWD clock operation of 5 MHz on the ICE-1000
- JTAG/SWD clock operation up to 46 MHZ on the ICE-2000
- Multi-colored LED for enhanced status indication
- Software controlled target reset to support remote debug
Minimum system requirements:
- CrossCore Embedded Studio 1.1.0 or VisualDSP++ 5.1.1
More information can be found on the ICE-1000 and ICE-2000 product page.
To purchase, please contact your local ADI Sales office or authorized distributor.
*Not available in all CCES versions