I have encountered an error as shown in attached photo on the EZ-ICE device.
Can anyone please let me know what this "Fatal firmware error 174" means and how to solve this problem?
I have encountered an error as shown in attached photo on the EZ-ICE device.
Can anyone please let me know what this "Fatal firmware error 174" means and how to solve this problem?
The fatal firmware error 174 usually indicates that the emulator cannot communicate with the target DSP on your board. Before checking anything else, can you follow this procedure to delete any current EZ-KIT configuration, and try reconnecting to the target:
**Note: This procedure involves editing the registry. We recommend making a backup of the registry before proceeding**
1) Close out of the debugger and Hyper Terminal.
2) Go to START > Run and type in regedit.
3) Go to 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER' > 'Software' > 'Analog Devices' > 'VisualDSP++ 3.5 for 16-Bit Processors' > 'Targets' and delete the '218x ICE' entry.
4) Close the Registry Editor.
5) Now restart the VisualDSP++, holding CTRL until the Session Window is displayed. Delete any sessions, then go to New Session and create an EZ-ICE session for your target.
If you are still unable to connect to your target, this could mean a problem with the target DSP, or the emulation signals to the target DSP. Another cause could be a bad clkin signal to the DSP. If you are using a custom target board there is a possibility it may be a problem with its setup. A quick easy test to perform would be to try connecting the 218x EZ-ICE emulator to a known good target board, perhaps a 2181 EZ-KIT or a 2189M EZ-KIT if you have one available. If the error message subsides, then this is a problem with the custom target board.
If this is the case then please make sure your custom board is in compliance with the Analog Devices Application note EE-34 'Understanding 21xx/218x EZ-ICE Theory of Operation To Aid In Designing An EZ-ICE Compatible Target', which Ive attached to this thread. Pay particular attention to section 1 and 2 on page 4 of the EE-note:
1) Bus Request
2) Pull-up all memory select signals high for EZ-ICE emulator compatibility.
Could you also check all of your connections: the header connection to the target, power supplies to both target and ICE, COM connection from ICE to PC, and ensure all are firm and stable.
The fatal firmware error 174 usually indicates that the emulator cannot communicate with the target DSP on your board. Before checking anything else, can you follow this procedure to delete any current EZ-KIT configuration, and try reconnecting to the target:
**Note: This procedure involves editing the registry. We recommend making a backup of the registry before proceeding**
1) Close out of the debugger and Hyper Terminal.
2) Go to START > Run and type in regedit.
3) Go to 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER' > 'Software' > 'Analog Devices' > 'VisualDSP++ 3.5 for 16-Bit Processors' > 'Targets' and delete the '218x ICE' entry.
4) Close the Registry Editor.
5) Now restart the VisualDSP++, holding CTRL until the Session Window is displayed. Delete any sessions, then go to New Session and create an EZ-ICE session for your target.
If you are still unable to connect to your target, this could mean a problem with the target DSP, or the emulation signals to the target DSP. Another cause could be a bad clkin signal to the DSP. If you are using a custom target board there is a possibility it may be a problem with its setup. A quick easy test to perform would be to try connecting the 218x EZ-ICE emulator to a known good target board, perhaps a 2181 EZ-KIT or a 2189M EZ-KIT if you have one available. If the error message subsides, then this is a problem with the custom target board.
If this is the case then please make sure your custom board is in compliance with the Analog Devices Application note EE-34 'Understanding 21xx/218x EZ-ICE Theory of Operation To Aid In Designing An EZ-ICE Compatible Target', which Ive attached to this thread. Pay particular attention to section 1 and 2 on page 4 of the EE-note:
1) Bus Request
2) Pull-up all memory select signals high for EZ-ICE emulator compatibility.
Could you also check all of your connections: the header connection to the target, power supplies to both target and ICE, COM connection from ICE to PC, and ensure all are firm and stable.