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ice-1000 usb device driver ???

Category: Software

Hello, expert.

The ice-1000, which worked correctly until last month, does not work.

When I looked for the cause, the device driver was displayed with an exclamation mark in the device manager.

I did a search on the ADI website, but couldn't find the file.

I was advised to install VisaulDSP 5.1, but again, file download is not supported.

Please let me know what I should do.

  • Hi ,

    In order to accurately determine whether your emulator is faulty or not, can you please answer the following questions -

    1. When trying to connect to your session, do you receive any error messages? If so, please send in details of these errors and if possible screenshots of them.
    2. Does the ICE Test utility run successfully or does it fail at any point? If the Test fails, please provide us with a screenshot showing the ICE Test results.
    3. If you're using a custom board, can you please confirm that it complies with the JTAG Technical Reference Guide EE-68, which is available online at the following location:
    4. Do you have any other emulators of the same type, which operate correctly with the same target board and PC?
    5. Do you have any other emulator type like ADZS-ICE-2000, which operates correctly with the same target board and PC?
    6. Do you have another target board you can use to connect to your emulator? Does the emulator still behave the same way? Do you still encounter the same error messages?
    7. Let us know whether you have purchased the emulator directly from Analog Devices or from the distributor.
    8. Do you have access to another PC? If you do, please let us know if the emulator detected correctly without any issues.
    9. Please share the screenshot of the device manager which shows the emulator and screenshot of the driver tab by clicking the emulator > properties > Driver.

    Also, please read through our Emulator Troubleshooting Guide and let us know the results of the troubleshooting steps it advises.Please refer to EE-175 :


  • Hi, Nishanthi.

    Thank you for your kind reply and presenting the confirmation factor.

    I stumbled upon information that this problem is closely related to CCES.

    When I reinstalled CCES that was deleted due to License Expired, the Device Driver worked normally.

    Thank you for your help.