I need to find out the location of the board to board connectors of the SOM board, so I downloaded the board files from here
But I cannot seem to open the files using Expedition, they seem corrupted.
Can someone please verify?
I need to find out the location of the board to board connectors of the SOM board, so I downloaded the board files from here
But I cannot seem to open the files using Expedition, they seem corrupted.
Can someone please verify?
As you might known, we will provide schematics in Mentor Graphics DxDesigner and in PDF format also.
You need Mentor Graphics PADS to open the .pcb files. You can get a free viewer here: www.pads.com/.../
We able to open "EV-SC594-SOM_REVB.pcb" file using PADS layout version viewer VX.2.8 successfully. Please refer the attached screenshot "sc594_pcb.jpg".
If you are still facing issues please let us know which specific version of DxDesigner the you are using? This will help us to assist you further.
I was able to open the files using PADS. Thanks for your help.
I was able to open the files using PADS. Thanks for your help.