Hi all,
We've just launched a Beta release of a FreeRTOS Add-In for CrossCore Embedded Studio. This Add-In will allow you to add FreeRTOS to projects more seamlessly, downloading the appropriate sources into your project, and allow you to configure the macros in FreeRTOSConfig.h via a GUI. There is also some debug support (currently limited to viewing the task list and state).
The Add-In is available via the Help > Install New Software dialog in CrossCore Embedded Studio. More details on accessing the Add-In can be found here : https://wiki.analog.com/resources/tools-software/freertos/freertos-addin/beta-guide
This is still a work in progress, so the final release may differ slightly but I don't envisage any changes that'd impact comparability.
Please check it out if you have the time and provide any feedback you have.